
ambrose n.安布羅斯〔男子名〕。

Hon ambrose lau raised a question on “ committee on trust fund for sars “ 劉漢銓議員就“嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥信托基金委員會“提出質詢。

Hon ambrose lau raised a question on “ committee on trust fund for sars “ 劉漢銓議員就“嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥信托基金委員會“提出質詢。

John ambrose fleming invents the two - element “ fleming valve “ 約翰.安布羅斯.弗萊明發明二極“電子管” 。

The latest mandarin album of ambrose , featuring 11 new songs 許紹洋最新大碟“傻得可以“ ,收錄新歌11首

Jeff : the book by ambrose bierce . “ the devil ' s dictionary . 杰夫:是安布魯斯?伯斯寫的《魔鬼字典》 。

Jeff : “ the devil ' s dictionary “ by ambrose bierce 杰夫:安布羅斯?畢爾斯的《魔鬼字典》 。


A group photo of the seven honour gradurates with prof ambrose y c king , vice - chancellor of cuhk 七位榮譽博士與香港中文大學校長金耀基教授

Hon ambrose lau raised a question on “ committee on trust fund for sars “ 劉漢銓議員就“嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥信托基金委員會“提出質詢。

Hon ambrose lau raised a question on “ committee on trust fund for sars “ 劉漢銓議員就“嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥信托基金委員會“提出質詢。

Closing remarks by mr . ambrose lee siu - kwong , idsm commissioner , icac ladies and gentlemen , 廉政專員李少光先生, idsm閉幕禮致辭全文譯本

Hon ambrose lau raised a question on the progress of establishment of ccra 劉漢銓議員提出質詢,問及設立商業信貸資料庫的進展情況。

Ambrose lee continues to score the highest while stephen lam remains at the bottom 李少光繼續得分最高,而林瑞麟就繼續排名榜末。

Dr ambrose so shu fai 蘇樹輝博士

Professor ambrose y c king , vice - chancellor of cuhk will preside at the ceremony 榮譽院士頒授典禮由大學校長金耀基教授主禮。

Professor ambrose king 金耀基教授

Mr ambrose lee siu - kwong , commissioner , icac , hong kong special administrative region 香港特別行政區廉政專員李少光先生

Ambrose , you ' re big 安布羅斯,你比較魁梧

Closing remarks by mr . ambrose lee siu - kwong , idsm commissioner , icac 廉政專員李少光先生, idsm閉幕禮致辭全文(譯本)

4 . mr ambrose lau to ask 4 .劉漢銓議員問: