
amblyopia n.【醫學】弱視,視力不足。adj.-opic

Cerebrum is disturbed to overcome , can force cross - eye not to see a thing only , cross - eye accepts the stimulation that is less than content elephant , inspect functional development to stop , eyesight stops to be in phase of a primary growth , “ use into useless retreat “ , as time passes , cross - eye eyesight drops further , correctional eyesight also cannot rise , form amblyopia ( after detailed sees , narrate ) 大腦為了克服干擾,只能強迫斜視眼不看東西,斜視眼接受不到物象的刺激,視功能發育停止,視力停止在一個初級發育階段, “用進廢退” ,久而久之,斜視眼視力進一步下降,矯正視力也無法提高,形成弱視(詳見后述) 。

The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration , macular hole , nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism , epimacular membranes , cataract , amblyopia ( “ lazy eye “ ) , previous retinal detachment , or circulatory problems 醫生必須先確認并非其它因素的造成的(諸如斑點惡化,眼中穿洞,近視,遠視,散光斑點膜,白內障,弱視,早先的視網膜分離或是其它問題)才可以考慮用于手術治療。

Though ken s right eye suffers from congenital amblyopia , he loves photography and he use the name “ raymond “ to publish his works Vcd店少東阿勤雖然右眼患有先天性弱視,但他熱愛攝影,并以raymond這個名字出版攝影集。


In traditional treatment using instalment , children have to go to hospital periodically , which brings much inconvenience to their parents , further more , the baldness of treatments makes children unwilling to take an active part in the treatment . all these problems lead to the low cure rate of amblyopia 兒童弱視是一種發病率較高的眼科疾病,傳統的儀器治療方式需要患兒定期到醫院治療,這不僅給家長來不便,而且由于治療內容單調,兒童配合治療的積極性不高,加大了醫生治療的難度。這些問題的存在,導致弱視的治愈率普遍偏低。

Cerebrum is disturbed to overcome , can force cross - eye not to see a thing only , cross - eye accepts the stimulation that is less than content elephant , inspect functional development to stop , eyesight stops to be in phase of a primary growth , “ use into useless retreat “ , as time passes , cross - eye eyesight drops further , correctional eyesight also cannot rise , form amblyopia ( after detailed sees , narrate ) 大腦為了克服干擾,只能強迫斜視眼不看東西,斜視眼接受不到物象的刺激,視功能發育停止,視力停止在一個初級發育階段, “用進廢退” ,久而久之,斜視眼視力進一步下降,矯正視力也無法提高,形成弱視(詳見后述) 。

In the meantime , congenital amblyopia resulted from optic nerve lesion was observed in the crested ibis , with an incidence rate of 3 - 5 % . since the epilepsy and congenital amblyopia are both hereditary , it is feasible to perform genetic engineering studies on the correlative genes , which could protect neurons from the damages of excitation toxin and vision sickness , in order to cure the diseases at gene level 由于癲癇和視神經病變類疾病均屬于遺傳性疾病,因此,利用分子生物學技術,對因癲癇和遺傳性弱視癥導致的神經元損傷具有保護及再生作用,以及視神經通路的發育、分化和受損視覺通路具有修復作用的相關基因,開展克隆、表達和活性鑒定之研究,將為通過基因工程技術實現其疾病治療之目標奠定基礎。

And the rapid development of network makes doctors easy to get involved in the children ' s treatment the two aspects , to some degree , have solved the current problem . in treatments in this paper , first we take analysis on the functions of the remote amblyopia treatment system , after that , we discuss the selection of the system ' s solution 利用計算機的多媒體技術,可以設計出趣味性的治療節目,吸引患兒參與治療。而網絡的迅速發展,可以使醫生通過網絡參與患兒治療過程。這在一定程度上,解決了當前弱視治療方式存在的問題。

We concluded that ( 1 ) motion asymmetry correlates closely with early - onset eye disorders that hinder the normal development of binocular vision ; ( 2 ) motion asymmetry correlates less with pure amblyopia ; ( 3 ) motion asymmetry is not unique to infantile esotropia syndrome ; ( 4 ) persisted motion asymmetry in adult is acquired rather than gene - determined ; ( 5 ) motion asymmetry may not be the cause of strabismus ; ( 6 ) motion asymmetry my not be secondary to disorganized nondecussated optic pathway and ( 7 ) motion asymmetry is an overall immaturity of sensory - motor pathway 我們的結論是: ( 1 )任何早發性眼科疾病,假如阻礙了正常的雙眼視覺發育,則造成不對稱的運動覺; ( 2 )運動覺不對稱并不直接和弱視本身相關聯; ( 3 )運動覺不對稱并非幼兒型內斜視專有的特徵; ( 4 )成人的運動覺若不對稱,是視覺發育過程中受到阻礙造成,而非遺傳而來的; ( 5 )運動覺不對稱并非斜視的原因; ( 6 )運動覺不對稱的原因并非來自視覺神經路徑上太多的非交叉視覺神經; ( 7 )運動覺不對稱是向感覺到運動總體視路徑發育不全所造成的結果。

The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration , macular hole , nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism , epimacular membranes , cataract , amblyopia ( “ lazy eye “ ) , previous retinal detachment , or circulatory problems 醫生必須先確認并非其它因素的造成的(諸如斑點惡化,眼中穿洞,近視,遠視,散光斑點膜,白內障,弱視,早先的視網膜分離或是其它問題)才可以考慮用于手術治療。

Apply to crowd : eye ailment patients such as teen - agers myopia , farsightedness , astigmatism , amblyopia , strabismus ; above applying to binoculus especially have boundary 50 , the optical parallax , or bare eye sight is lower than 0 . 5 following nearsighted patient 適用人群:青少年近視、遠視、散光、弱視、斜視等眼病患者;尤其適用于雙眼有50度以上視差,或裸眼視力低于0 . 5以下的近視患者。

It has the function of making brain healthy , improving or strengthening memory , nourishing and protecting the retina , strengthening eyesight and preventing the amblyopia , making eye bright , relieving the tire of eye , preventing the artery sclerosis of fundus of eyes 從而達到健腦益智、改善或增強記憶,營養保護視網膜,強化視力預防弱視、明目,緩解眼睛疲勞,防止眼底動脈硬化。

Because produced unusually retinal correspondence , of cross - eye look attentively at property happening change , use yellow spot center namely by look attentively at the center other generation at some o ' clock , cause serious amblyopia from this 由于產生了異常視網膜對應,斜視眼的注視性質發生變化,即用黃斑中心旁的某點注視產生旁中心注視,由此造成嚴重的弱視。

In all of amblyopia cases , 14 . 5 per cent had been found by children themselves , 38 . 6 per cent by their parents or teachers and 66 . 5 per cent of parents and teachers had less knowledge of the disease 調查220名患兒弱視的發現方式,由兒童自己表述發現者,所占比例14 . 5 % ,家長或教師無意中發現者最多,占38 . 6 % ,家長及教師對弱視的基本知識認識不足者占到66 . 8 % 。

Conclusion the major reason which led children to amblyopia was that many parents or teachers had less knowledge about amblyopia and the checkout ways to find the disease 結論多數家長及教師對兒童弱視的基本知識及常用的兒童視力的主客觀檢查方法了解不足,是導致兒童弱視不能早期發現的一個重要原因。

For example , children depried of normal isual stimulation during an early critical period of the first few years of life suffer the permanent isual impairment of amblyopia 例如,兒童在屬于早期臨界期的嬰幼兒階段被剝奪正常視覺刺激,就會患上弱視,導致永久性的視力缺損。

Therefore , it is vitally important for the plastic surgeon to bear in mind the severity of the disability and its resistance to treatment , and to prevent the amblyopia from the very beginning 以強調在發育期間遮蓋眼睛的嚴重后果,進一步避免此等遮蓋性弱視的形成。

Yu m , brown b , edwards . mh . investigation of multifocal visual evoked potential in anisometropic and esotropic amblyopia . invest ophthalmol vis sci , 1998 , 29 ( 11 ) : 2033 王澤洪.正常兒童視覺系統發育及弱視發病機制的視覺誘發電位的研究進展.國外醫學眼科學分冊. 1991 , 3 : 168

However , for children who have squint or amblyopia problem , wearing suitable glasses are essential for them in order to maintain and improve their vision 其實就算你只有右眼可看東西,也不會因常用一只眼睛而令它更容易衰退或失明的。

Though ken s right eye suffers from congenital amblyopia , he loves photography and he use the name “ raymond “ to publish his works Vcd店少東阿勤雖然右眼患有先天性弱視,但他熱愛攝影,并以raymond這個名字出版攝影集。