
amble n.1.(馬的)慢步,溜蹄。2.(人的)漫步,緩步。vi...


With a rapid glance , scanning all the persons in the room , and observing the counts spiritual adviser , she did not precisely bow down , but seemed somehow suddenly to shrink in stature , and with a tripping amble swam up to the priest and reverentially received a blessing first from one and then from another ecclesiastic 她向房里所有的人匆匆地瞥了一眼,看見了伯爵的那個聽取懺悔的神甫,她沒有躬起身子,但忽然變得更矮小了。她邁著小步東歪西扭地走到神甫面前,十分恭敬地接受一個又一個神職人員的祝福。

Ah , dear , i did not recognise you , said anna mihalovna , with a delighted smile , and she ambled lightly up to the counts niece . i have just come , and i am at your service to help in nursing my uncle . i imagine what you have been suffering , she added , sympathetically turning her eyes up “ ah , chre , jenevousreconnaissaispas , ”安娜米哈伊洛夫娜含著幸福的微笑,說道,她邁著輕盈而迅速的腳步向伯爵的侄女面前走去, “ jeviensdamivenetjesnisanauspounvousaidenasoignenmononclejimagine , comlienvousanegsouggent ”她同情地翻著白眼,補充說道。

His speckled body ambled ahead of them and then loped off at a calf s gallop . the carcass lay on his path . he stopped , sniffed , stalked round it , brother , nosing closer , went round it , sniffing rapidly like a dog all over the dead dog s bedraggled fell 它停下步子,嗅了一陣,然后輕輕地繞著走了一圈;是弟兄哩,把鼻子挨近一些,又兜了一圈,以狗特有的敏捷嗅遍了死狗那污泥狼藉的毛皮。

Every time i have tried . she was silent , and the horse ambled along for a considerable distance , till a faint luminous fog , which had hung in the hollows all the evening , became general and enveloped them 她沒有出聲,座下的馬已經緩緩地向前走了很長一段路了,走到后來,一片薄薄的發亮的霧,本來整個晚上都彌漫在山谷里,現在已經散布開來,把他們包圍了。

At the opening day of the beijing auto show , mr . wang ambled onto a stage with four much older daimlerchrysler executives in dark suits to accept a crystal model of the keys to a silver maybach that had already been delivered to his 在北京汽車展的開幕當天,王先生緩步走上展臺,與4位戴姆勒-克萊斯勒公司的高管并肩,并接過汽車鑰匙的水晶模型。

Dolly , on the other hand , battled obesity throughout her life ; real clones thus seem more likely to stroll amok , amble amok or just lie around in their own muck amok 相對于《侏羅紀公園》里狂奔殺人的復制恐龍,以及《巴西來的男孩》里胡亂殺人的希特勒復制人,桃麗卻終生與肥胖癥搏斗;因此,現實世界里的復制生物,看來更是隨時隨地都在激戰中。

The count and semyon galloped out of the bushes , and on their left they saw a wolf . with a soft , rolling gait it moved at a slow amble further to their left into the very thicket in which they had been standing 伯爵和謝苗從森林邊沿疾馳而出,從左面望見一只狼,這只狼有點兒搖搖晃晃,悄悄地從他們左邊跳到他們所站的森林邊沿。

A silk ladder of innumerable rungs climbs to his bobbing howdah . he ambles near with disgruntled hindquarters . fiercely she slaps his haunch , her goldcurb wristbangles angriling , scolding him in moorish 駱駝不大情愿地擺動著它那臀部,慢慢騰騰地湊過來:她猛揍了一下它的屁股,包金的手鐲玎玲玲響著,慍怒地用摩爾話罵他:

Ben dollard s loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay in full gait from the metal bridge . he came towards them at an amble , scratching actively behind his coattails 穿著寬松的藍色常禮服頭戴大禮帽下面是肥大褲子的本多拉德的身姿,邁著大步從鐵橋那邊穿過碼頭走了過來。

Kutuzov impatiently kicked his horse , which ambled along slowly under his weight , and continually nodded his head and put his hand up to his white horse - guards cap , with a red band and no peak 他把手舉到他那白色的近衛重騎兵軍帽邊帶有紅箍,沒有遮檐,不停地點頭。

Once finished with the pleasantly mosquito - free rain forest , visitors amble next door to see and hear the softly crashing waves of the tiny ocean 結束了沒有蚊蟲叮咬的愉快的熱帶雨林之旅,游客們緩步來到了隔壁的微型的海洋邊上,觀察和傾聽海浪輕柔的碰擊。

He presses it until it becomes flat and wears it on his feet . next morning , he ambles on the lawn . he finds it comforting and flexible 他把這塊硬硬的東西壓成扁扁的一塊包在腳上,隔天早上到草地上走一走,發現效果不錯,還很有彈性。

Begone , dull care . come , bob . he ambled dollard , bulky slops , before them hold that fellow with the : hold him now into the saloon 他-多拉德,穿著那條肥大的褲子,領著他們瞧那個衣著不整的家伙,現在就瞧緩步走進大廳。

Ambling around the hotel , you will feel you and the beautiful natural sight seeing with the unique folk culture are one 閑庭信步間,您將與秀麗的廣西自然風光獨特的民族文化相交融。

They amble past open - air restaurants , across shaded patios tucked behind walls of bougainvillea 他們悠閑地走過露天餐館、穿過陰涼的天井,旁邊的墻上密密麻麻地長滿了九重葛。

I was so uncomfortable , i imagined what my response would be if some kind of old mountain geezer came ambling by 我忐忑不安,想象如果碰到的是山上的野人會有什么反應。

Pinned up , i bet . their dog ambled about a bank of dwindling sand , trotting , sniffing on all sides 他們的狗在被潮水漫得越來越窄的沙洲上到處游蕩,小跑著,一路嗅著。

This irregularity , which might become an ambling movement , is a serious deterioration of the gait 這種不規整的運動是嚴重的錯誤步伐,有可能變成側對步運動。

As i ambled along , there seemed to be a child on the roadside , holding some shimmering white bunch 一邊走著,似乎道旁有一個孩子,抱著一堆燦白的東西。