
ambivalent adj.(對人或事務)有矛盾感情的。n.兩性人。adv....

“ it ' s a happy , vibrant atmosphere , i suppose you could say , and peaceful , which is the way it should be ( 1 ) i was really ambivalent about the games until the last week ( 2 ) i ' m really enjoying the atmosphere tonight ( 3 我想你可以說這是一種既快樂又令人振奮,再加上一點詳和的感覺,而現在的氣氛本來就該如此;原本我一直對悉尼市舉辦奧運感到有些矛盾,直到上個星期才有比較好的感覺;真的很高興能在今晚沉醉在這種氣氛中。

Roseanne , “ bird is the word “ ( 11 / 13 / 90 ) . roseanne and dan are ambivalent when it appears that becky made an obscene gesture in her class photo 《羅珊娜》之這個單詞是鳥( 1990年11月13日) 。貝琪在拍班級照時似乎做了一個猥褻的手勢,這使羅姍娜和丹感到矛盾。


Yip makes us aware of the ambivalent relationship between the audience and hong kong cinema through a series of events and characters . for instance , the character of eric kot is a typical example of hong kong movie audience . he always tells his students that hong kong movies are crappy and prohibits them from watching , but he himself is always the first one to buy ticket and watch any newly released hong kong films , he even remembers the scenes of most of the films he has watched 他想透過此片帶出觀眾和香港電影那種又愛又恨的矛盾關系,例如葛民輝的一角正好是香港電影觀眾的寫照,又要看又要罵,雖然口中對它罵過不停,但是自己卻是第一個走去看,而且還把戲中劇情都背熟,這是很矛盾的性格,但卻正是港人的忠實反映。

If you have seen this film , you ll probably agree with me that the love relationship between dae - jin and eun - soo is more than incestuous , it is not inappropriate if you want to call it sick . since i don t know too much about the korean culture , i darenot say this kind of distorted love relationship has any social implication , but i tend to believe that the forbidden love affairs may actually be a metaphor of how south koreans view north korea , or to be a bit more specific , it is probably a subconscious reflection of their ambivalent feeling toward north korea 不知何解, 2002年韓國電影圈吹起一片畸戀風,年初先有金基德的《爛泥情人》 ,繼后又有《復仇》 、 《鬼鈴》 、 《愛的綠洲》及《三更》等片,片中人表達感情的方式都異于常人,本片也不例外,相信看過的朋友都會同意,戲中人的戀愛觀的確不尋常,而且是近乎病態的心理。

“ it ' s a happy , vibrant atmosphere , i suppose you could say , and peaceful , which is the way it should be ( 1 ) i was really ambivalent about the games until the last week ( 2 ) i ' m really enjoying the atmosphere tonight ( 3 我想你可以說這是一種既快樂又令人振奮,再加上一點詳和的感覺,而現在的氣氛本來就該如此;原本我一直對悉尼市舉辦奧運感到有些矛盾,直到上個星期才有比較好的感覺;真的很高興能在今晚沉醉在這種氣氛中。

Hence in general poles have an ambivalent attitude towards the past . attachment to the thousand - year - old christian tradition and the memory of former greatness sustained the national spirit that has , at the same time , been shadowed by passivity 波蘭人民由于冷戰和歐洲分裂時期所存在的地緣政治現實,未享有過完全的主權,而國家的經濟進步和工業化也未充分地服務于波蘭人民的利益。

The dying lovers who fail to get together symbolizes the ambivalent and subconscious mind of many koreans in which their families are separated because of the division of the country . until death , many of them are not able to see their relatives again 他們渴望再次走在一起,但由于國家政策關系,連互相拜訪雙方的親人都有困難,這猶如那些絕癥愛情男女一樣,到死都不能相聚。

Accordingly , in the post - cold war era , these two alliances have continued to evolve in different ways , us - japan alliance has been deepening and expanding while us - korea alliance has proven to be more and more ambivalent 緣此,在后冷戰時代,美日、美韓聯盟繼續呈現出不同的演變方式,美日聯盟繼續深化擴展,而美韓聯盟則表現出越來越漂移不定的狀態。

It will be very great if we meet with each other , but i am very ambivalent , because i am afraid that : it is leaving after meet , pain after happyness , the thought that can not be cut off after meet will around me all the time 我們相見多好呀,可我現在很矛盾,因為我怕:相聚后又是別離,快樂后又是痛苦,相聚別離后割不斷的牽掛將索繞我的生活。

To cry up the cultural value and the true - life conflict brought on lu xun ' s early tragical selfhood which unfolded an ambivalent mind such as nahan and panghuang 價值的尊崇和生活實踐的矛盾,導致了魯迅早期悲劇性自我的存在,從而給我們呈現出一種吶喊和彷徨的矛盾狀態。

Roseanne , “ bird is the word “ ( 11 / 13 / 90 ) . roseanne and dan are ambivalent when it appears that becky made an obscene gesture in her class photo 《羅珊娜》之這個單詞是鳥( 1990年11月13日) 。貝琪在拍班級照時似乎做了一個猥褻的手勢,這使羅姍娜和丹感到矛盾。

In ambivalent with this bitterness and joyfulness comes the globalization which is the first time in human history to bring various regions over the world together 然無論是歌頌它的成就或詛咒它的不仁,任何人都得承認人類歷史正步入一個跨越區域的全球化階段。

Like nick i have become totally ambivalent about england and the press reporting that steven gerrard can do no wrong , whilst frank can do no right 跟尼克一樣我對英格蘭已變得完全地矛盾了,媒體報導著史蒂文杰拉德是完美的,而弗蘭克則是無能為力的。

On the base of this postulation , we can prove that the paradigm of classical political science or the old institutionalism is an ambivalent paradigm 從這一標準出發可以推論出,傳統政治科學的典型范式,即舊制度主義范式是一種充滿著內在矛盾的范式。

From the inside and has been mostly free to do what he wants . we prefer to call him a swordsman not only because it s a more ambivalent term than 但徐克可非省油的燈,他在體制內起革命,改變了電影這個江湖,許多時候還能隨心所欲做自己愛做的事。

I ' m a ambivalent syntheses , i preferably to endure the burden of love , i need the love of dynamic , frankly , loyal , but i still afraid of harm 我是一個矛盾綜合體,情愿背負愛情的負擔,也不要做一個不懂愛的人.渴望轟轟烈烈的愛情,真誠,坦白,也害怕受傷

An impeccably observed account of economic bankruptcy in china in the tumultuous 1930s , the film excels in its ambivalent yet sympathetic portrayal of the petit bourgeoisie 影片以三十年代初期,江南一小鎮為背景,以洋貨店林源號為中心。

The portuguese tactician watched his chelsea side make a winning start to their european campaign , and was ambivalent about a workmanlike performance 葡萄牙戰術家眼看著他的隊伍在歐戰中以勝利開場,卻對球隊工人似的表現有著矛盾的看法。

Ambivalent phenomenon is a kind of natural feature in the english language as well as in any other language and it occurs at all linguistic levels of languages 摘要反義同形現象在英語中越來越普遍,其對英語的影響也日益顯現。