
ambivalence n.(對同一人、物、事的)矛盾心理(如又愛又憎)。

In this essay i argue that the writing of american jazz age novelist f . scott fitzgerald responds to the developing national culture of his time , here described as an evolving relation between the marginality of the region and the hegemony of the center . like many of the characters in his novels , fitzgerald ' s perceived liminality from nation and canon - his work did not achieve repute until after his death - produced , paradoxically , dependence on those values the writer felt most distant from . to a far greater extent than hemingway , fitzgerald fictionalized the commodity culture of the american center which he , in time , came to reject in favor of a moral posture . fitzgerald ' s migration from the perceived margins of american literary discourse to status as a posthumous , centered canonical figure has three specific dimensions - the geographical , the canonical , and the moral - all of which combine to produce a significant ambivalence , beyond “ modernist “ credentials , in his life and legacy 本文認為,美國爵士時代的小說家菲茨杰拉德的作品對于作者所處時代和處于發展之中的民族文化(即區域邊緣與國家霸權之間的演進關系)作出了回應.正如其小說中的許多人物一樣,菲茨杰拉德從國家和典律中感知到閾限性(他自己的作品直到死后才獲得盛譽) ,這使得他依賴于自己認為是最為邊遠的價值觀念.與海明威相比較,菲茨杰拉德在更大程度上將位于美國中心的商品文化小說化,而最終他又出于道德考量將它予以拒絕.菲茨杰拉德從明顯的美國文學話語邊緣向去世之后被經典化的中心地位的漂移表現在地理、典律、道德三個方面.三者交織,使得學界關于他的紛爭超越了現代主義者身份問題,在關于他的人生和文學遺產問題上也是褒貶不一,眾說紛紜

Fitzgerald ' s migration from the perceived margins of american literary discourse to status as a posthumous , centered canonical figure has three specific dimensions - the geographical , the canonical , and the moral - all of which combine to produce a significant ambivalence , beyond “ modernist “ credentials , in his life and legacy 三者交織,使得學界關于他的紛爭超越了現代主義者身份問題,在關于他的人生和文學遺產問題上也是褒貶不一,眾說紛紜。


Her four arms hold weapons or the severed head of a demon : these objects symbolize both her creative and her destructive power , for kali personifies the ambivalence of deity , which manifests itself , according to indian tradition , in the unceasing cycle of life and death , creation and destruction 她的四臂握著武器,或者嚴厲的魔鬼的頭;這些物品既象征著她創造性的力量,也象征著她毀滅性的力量,因為卡莉使正反感情并存的神性人格化,顯示出它自身,依照印度教的傳統,是生命與死亡,創造與毀滅的不斷循環。

In this essay i argue that the writing of american jazz age novelist f . scott fitzgerald responds to the developing national culture of his time , here described as an evolving relation between the marginality of the region and the hegemony of the center . like many of the characters in his novels , fitzgerald ' s perceived liminality from nation and canon - his work did not achieve repute until after his death - produced , paradoxically , dependence on those values the writer felt most distant from . to a far greater extent than hemingway , fitzgerald fictionalized the commodity culture of the american center which he , in time , came to reject in favor of a moral posture . fitzgerald ' s migration from the perceived margins of american literary discourse to status as a posthumous , centered canonical figure has three specific dimensions - the geographical , the canonical , and the moral - all of which combine to produce a significant ambivalence , beyond “ modernist “ credentials , in his life and legacy 本文認為,美國爵士時代的小說家菲茨杰拉德的作品對于作者所處時代和處于發展之中的民族文化(即區域邊緣與國家霸權之間的演進關系)作出了回應.正如其小說中的許多人物一樣,菲茨杰拉德從國家和典律中感知到閾限性(他自己的作品直到死后才獲得盛譽) ,這使得他依賴于自己認為是最為邊遠的價值觀念.與海明威相比較,菲茨杰拉德在更大程度上將位于美國中心的商品文化小說化,而最終他又出于道德考量將它予以拒絕.菲茨杰拉德從明顯的美國文學話語邊緣向去世之后被經典化的中心地位的漂移表現在地理、典律、道德三個方面.三者交織,使得學界關于他的紛爭超越了現代主義者身份問題,在關于他的人生和文學遺產問題上也是褒貶不一,眾說紛紜

Armed with feminist theory and based on woolf ' s main feminist novels , this thesis tries to discuss the conflictions , negotiations and harmonies of the two worlds - public and private - she described from the following three aspects : the relations of the two worlds and their criticism ; woolf ' s ambivalence and contradictions in her opinions , and her ideal utopia - the harmony of the two worlds 本文擬以女性主義理論為基礎,從以下三個方面對伍爾夫小說中的公共領域和私人空間關系進行探討:公共私人領域關系及其批判、伍爾夫思想的模棱兩可與自我矛盾以及伍爾夫的理想烏托邦公共私人領域的調和。

Part2 : this part analyzes the traditional characteristics of universities and teacher education in england and wales and the innate incompatibilities between them , the substantial role played by universities , the ambivalence the universities showed in their involvement in teacher education , the current relationship between them , and the views from the scholars 第二部分:分析了英國大學與英國師范教育各自的傳統及它們之間的不相容性,英國大學對師范教育的貢獻和矛盾態度,當前大學與師范教育的關系和理論界對大學與師范教育關系的認識。

The authors probed into the reason of ambivalence , pointed out the development relationships among them , and mainly brought forward seven measures : ensuring necessary plantations and studiously increasing yields of grains ; setting up reasonable grains reserves ; increasing the yield of unit area and overall productivity of land , and ensuring gross yields of grains to be increased steadily ; adjusting measures to local conditions , differentiating land varieties among the total land of gansu province to produce grains ; continuously adjusting structure of production , improving agricultural economy benefits , and increasing farmer incomes ; realizing essential self - support of gross grains , meanwhile dealing with well regional and structural scarcity gradually ; strengthening outcomes of ecological construction , increasing the intensity of ecological compensation , utilizing strategy of virtual water to solve grain safety to be fragile and sensitive regions of ecology , and realizing agricultural sustainable development 文章分析問題的矛盾所在,指出三者的辨證發展關系,并主要提出七點措施:保證一定的播種面積,努力增加糧食產出;建立合理的糧食儲備規模;依靠科技,主攻單產,提高土地的綜合生產能力,保證糧食總量穩定增長;因地制宜、分類指導省內不同地區的糧食生產;繼續調整農業生產結構,提高農業的經濟效益,增加農民收入;實現省內糧食總量基本自給的同時,逐步解決好區域性、結構性短缺問題;鞏固生態建設成果,加大生態補償力度,利用虛擬水戰略解決生態脆弱區、生態敏感區等局部地區的糧食生產安全,實現農業可持續發展。

Fitzgerald ' s migration from the perceived margins of american literary discourse to status as a posthumous , centered canonical figure has three specific dimensions - the geographical , the canonical , and the moral - all of which combine to produce a significant ambivalence , beyond “ modernist “ credentials , in his life and legacy 三者交織,使得學界關于他的紛爭超越了現代主義者身份問題,在關于他的人生和文學遺產問題上也是褒貶不一,眾說紛紜。

This paper tries to tackle this problem from the perspective of pragmatic ambivalence , and the author points out whether the strategies that the two translators applied in their respective translation are appropriate or not concerning the image - building and the character charm 本文試從語用模糊的角度來探究漢英翻譯中的這一難題,進而分析譯語在塑造人物形象和展現人物藝術魅力方面與源語的不同,從而區分出兩家譯文的優劣高下。

This paper analyzes the protagonist ' s dilemma of choosing between career and family to the ambivalence of remaining a virgin as well as her own psychological problems , trying to illustrate young women ' s bewilderment , apprehension and disappointment on the way to adulthood 本文通過分析埃斯特在面臨事業和家庭的選擇時的困境、保持貞潔的矛盾心態以及其自身的心理問題,試圖闡明女性在成長過程中所遭受的困惑、憂慮和失望。

Japan s unfortunately insular attitudes and traditional ambivalence about trade precludes sustained global leadership . the united states preeminent influence on the world stage leaves us with the capability - and i would add , the responsibility - to assume this leadership 這套專為太空人設計的計畫主要是為預防可能因食物而造成的疾病危險,利用有科學根據的方法從原料到成品加以控制。

The later years of both claude monet and edgar degas were marked by failing vision and corresponding changes in the style of their paintings , creating an ambivalence about their later work among both their contemporaries and today ' s critics 莫內和竇加這兩位畫家晚年為視力衰退所苦,相對的,也表現在他們畫風的轉變上,使他們當代和今天的畫評家,對他晚期的作品產生互相矛盾的看法。

The reason for this ambivalence is the allegation that 43 - year - old mr bonds has juiced himself up with steroids , which have enabled him to accelerate his home - run rate at an age when nature might have been expected to slow him down 讓塞利格產生這種矛盾心理的原因在于43歲的龐茲涉嫌服用內固醇,全壘打率本會隨著年歲的增長而降低,但這種藥物能夠提升大齡棒球員的全壘打率。

It was proposed that cyanide - resistant respiration participates in the anti - oxidation mechanisms and regulate the ambivalence and balance of requirement of the energy and substance for combined intimidation conditions 植物交替氧化酶在干旱與病原菌侵染復合脅迫中具有重要的抗氧化功能,并可能調節著逆境下物質與能量需求間的矛盾。

What makes this relationship appealing is its uncertainty and the ambivalence of the characters minds . as an audience , it is always a pleasure to watch something that cannot find a resolve easily 竹野內豐是內斂型的演員,演這個落寞的藝術家型角色是度身頂造,難度不大。

Pragmatic ambivalence is a common phenomenon in the literary works , especially in the literary classics , and it is also one of the difficulties in the literary translation 摘要語用模糊是文學作品,尤其是文學名著的常見現象,亦是文學翻譯中的難點之一。

For convenience of discussion , the author only takes chapter 34 as a case study to analyze the projection of pragmatic ambivalence in two translations 為便于闡釋,筆者僅以《紅樓夢》第三十四回為個案研究,比較兩家譯文在語用模糊上是如何映現的。

Or perhaps the problem lies not in equality , but in the ambivalence that inevitably surround a titanic cultural shift only decades old 或許問題不在平等。雖然這場文化轉變只有十多年的歷史,但隨之帶來的那種無法躲避的無可適從才是癥結所在。

I had no idea about the great themes in people ' s lives the intense competition the desire for stability the ambivalence about modern change 我從不知道他們生活的大課題:激烈的競爭、求穩定的欲望和對現代變化的矛盾情緒等。