
ambitious adj.1.野心勃勃的,有雄心的,抱負不凡的;心懷奢望的...


Some of his provisions are even more ambitious 他的建議中有些是很雄心勃勃的。

As i grew older , i grew more ambitious (隨著年齡增長,我變得越來越有抱負。 )

The eight goalsthemselves are ambitious to say the least 8個目標本身都很宏大。

You ' re very stubborn , but you aren ' t very ambitious 你很固執,卻沒有多大抱負。

We hoped the enemy would conclude that we were making another, unusually ambitious attempt to reinforce malta, which had been in dire straits for months . 我們揣想敵人將認為我們試行另一次重大企圖以增援馬爾他,該島數月來始終處于可怕之苦境中。

Where the rate of capital formation has already been raised to an overly ambitious level, the imported agricultural commodities may allow it to continue . 在資本形成速度已經達到可觀的水平的國家,進口農產品將使這一速度繼續下去。

Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out . 我們中的大部分人在自我修養的努力中失敗了,因為我們的計劃過于宏大,我們從來沒有時間去執行。

He had observed that people who did lie were, on the whole, more resourceful and ambitious and successful than people who did not lie . 他早已發現,真撒謊的人一般說來,比不撒謊的人更為機智,更有抱負,更加順遂。

Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out . 我們中大多數人在自我提高的嘗試中失敗,那是因為我們計劃過奢而又無暇付之實行。

His longer and more ambitious plays and novels tried to find a solution to the problems of society in russia . 在他所寫的篇幅較長、更具匠心的劇本和小說中,他試圖找到一個解決俄國社會問題的途徑。

Uncle seneca, because of his wealth, attracted the attention of a poor but ambitious philadelphia society matron . 賽納加娘舅因為有錢引起了費拉德爾斐亞一個貧窮但是野心勃勃的交際婦女的垂青。

Though gas meters were considered more difficult to tamper with, this had not deterred some ambitious freeloaders . 雖然人們認為煤氣表更難搗鬼,這并沒嚇住那些野心勃勃的想占便宜的人。

Being ambitious to get ahead socially and financially, he was very careful of whom or with whom he talked . 因為他一心想在社會上經濟上往上爬,對于和誰談話以及談到誰都是小心謹慎的。

His father was a car-man, ambitious of seeing his son on the bench instead of a cart, before he died . 他的爸爸是個駕車的,渴望在他有生之年能看到兒子當上律師,而不是趕車的。

About this time an ambitious young reporter from new york arrived one morning at gatsby's door . 大概在這個時候,有一天早晨,一個雄心勃勃的年輕記者從紐約來到蓋茨比的大門口。

Ambitious attempts to improve interlaminar shear strength have been made by mueller prosen and by keogh . 米勒普羅森還有基奧都對提高層間切變強度作了大膽的嘗試。

Basic tools for implementing ambitious on-board computations have been advanced to a state of reliability . 完成這項艱巨的彈上計算的基本工具已發展到可靠的程度。

Henry james senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious, to be ambitious but unworldly . 老享利詹姆斯要孩子們嚴肅而不陰郁,志高而不入俗。

Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious . 我們中的大部分人在自我修養的努力中失敗了,因為我們的計劃過于宏大。