
ambition n.1.抱負,志氣,雄心。2.野心,奢望。3.〔俚語〕銳...


His ambition is to be at the wheel of a large corporation by the age of forty . 他的抱負是要在四十歲時控制一家大公司。

They have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort . 他們不沉溺于可鄙的追名逐利和對舒適的迷戀中。

I made clear that we had the most cold-blooded assessment of their ambitions . 我說,我們對他們的野心有最清醒的估計。

They have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort . 他們不沉溺于可鄙的追名逐利和對舒適的迷戀。

With sue as companion he could have renounced his ambitions with a smile . 有淑作伴侶,那他就能含笑把他的野心放棄。

In the meantime she had taken to the law, which had long been her ambition . 與此同時,她進入了早就向往的法律界。

My whole ambition is to serve my country and maintain its greatness . 我唯一的抱負就是為國家服務,維護它的偉大。

Her ambitions had shrunk gradually in the desiccating air of failure . 多少雄心壯志已在失敗的陰影下逐漸枯竭了。

But then the delight of a realized ambition overcame him . 可隨后,一陣象已實現了理想般的高興勁兒使他喜不自勝。

His ambition was to meet his favorite pop star face to face . 他的向往是要面對面地見見他心目中的流行曲歌星。

The realization of this causes ambition to halt awhile . 而看清了這種情形的人,是要把野心暫時壓伏下去的。

Her one ambition was to see italy and the bay of naples . 她唯一的志向是,到意大利和那不勒斯灣去游行。

But he has not by any means attained the height of his ambition . 但是他還根本沒有達到他的野心的高峰。

It 's only too natural that he will be thwarted in his ambitions . 他的圖謀將遭到挫敗是很自然的事。

Ambition is pitiless . 野心是無情的。

He never possessed any definite convictions or ambitions . 他心里從來沒有抱著什么明確的信念或志向。

In a month carol's ambition had clouded . 不出一個月,卡蘿爾縱然有雄心壯志,也不免開始消沉起來了。

All ambitions are blasted . 萬念俱灰。

My family is right behind me in my ambition to become a doctor . 我們家對我立志當醫生完全贊同。