
ambit n.界限;范圍;周圍。

It edifies people to consciously cultivate themselves to be in “ benevolence “ , and improve themselves to pursue a highest spiritual ambit of life , so as to realize self - value of life 它啟迪著人們自覺修身達“仁” ,完善自我,去追求人生的最高精神境界,實現人生自我價值。

Whether it will bring “ bundled “ lease terms within the ambit of the fair competition law being drafted ; if it will , of the details ; if not , the reasons for that 會否把困綁式租賃條款納入草擬中的公平競爭法的規管范圍若會,詳情為何若否,原因為何?

The government should pay an important role to eliminate the ambit of “ core - periphery “ and built a integration tourism market 要消除四大旅游帶之間的“中心外圍”界限,促進四大旅游帶的互動發展,建立一體化旅游市場,必須發揮政府的主導作用。


Bankruptcy recall right system also helps to guarantee the accuracy and reasonableness of the ambit of the insolvent property , which endures great significance and necessity in bankruptcy law 破產取回權制度維護了取回權人的合法權益,同時確保破產財產法定范圍的精確性和合理性,在破產法上具有很大的意義和必要性。

A spokesman for the health , welfare and food bureau said today ( january 15 ) that the paper outlined the policy initiatives under the ambit of the secretary for health , welfare and food , dr yeoh eng - kiong ?生福利及食物局發言人今日(一月十五日)表示,資料文件概述了?生福利及食物局楊永強醫生轄下的政策措施。

For existence is a whole and a spectrum , once you separate it , you just begin to create an opinionated ambit and definition , which makes humans miss life and its profound mysteries 因為存在是一個整體,它是一個光譜,一旦你開始將它分開,你就開始制造出武斷的界限和定義,這樣的方法便使人錯過了生命和它的奧秘。

Further modify the ambit of the oea to cover only office accommodation expenses , employment of assistants , audit fees , printing , publicity expenses and communication charges 進一步修訂營運開支津貼的涵蓋范圍,訂明只可用以支付辦公地方開支聘請助理的開支審計費用印刷費宣傳物品開支和通訊費用

Will is an ambit , self - confidence , firmness and hardihood ; it is full of unlimited desire to conquer oneself , courage to face the future and self - transcendence to complete 意志是一種境界,是自信、堅定和剛毅,飽含著無限的征服自我的欲望,還有對未來征程的一份果敢,一種自我的超越!

In addition , the new mou provides a comprehensive list of general as well as specific matters that are the subject of information exchange between the two regulators within the ambit of the law 新的諒解備忘錄也詳細列述雙方將會在有關法例的范圍內就某些整體及具體事項互通資訊。

It edifies people to consciously cultivate themselves to be in “ benevolence “ , and improve themselves to pursue a highest spiritual ambit of life , so as to realize self - value of life 它啟迪著人們自覺修身達“仁” ,完善自我,去追求人生的最高精神境界,實現人生自我價值。

When incurring expenditure , budget officers have to ensure that expenditure is charged against subheads strictly according to their ambits , and that strict economy is exercised 財政預算管制人員須確保開支按照分目涵蓋范圍記入所屬分目,并符合盡量節省的原則。

We believe the ambit of the five streams of assessment , ie . economic , environmental , land use planning , social and transport already cover these objectives 我們相信諮詢文件中所建議的五類評核準則,即經濟、環境、土地使用、社會和交通,已經涵蓋這些目標。

However , these particular needs or circumstances should be within the ambit of genuine domestic duties arising from or incidental to serving the employer s household 然而,這些特別需要或情況,應在為雇主料理家務時所產生或附帶的真正家務工作范圍之內。

Whether it will bring “ bundled “ lease terms within the ambit of the fair competition law being drafted ; if it will , of the details ; if not , the reasons for that 會否把困綁式租賃條款納入草擬中的公平競爭法的規管范圍若會,詳情為何若否,原因為何?

An expansion of the ambit of the above item to include provision of it equipment in community facilities mainly for use by students outside school hours ; and 擴大上述項目的適用范圍,以包括在社區設施提供資訊科技設備,主要供學生在課馀使用此外

The government should pay an important role to eliminate the ambit of “ core - periphery “ and built a integration tourism market 要消除四大旅游帶之間的“中心外圍”界限,促進四大旅游帶的互動發展,建立一體化旅游市場,必須發揮政府的主導作用。

The panel discussed a paper on the proposed ambit and operational arrangements of the youth sustainable development and engagement fund ( ysde fund ) 事務委員會討論關于下述事項的文件:青少年持續發展及培育基金的擬議資助范圍及運作安排。

The panel discussed a paper on the proposed ambit and operational arrangements of the youth sustainable development and engagement fund ysde fund 事務委員會討論關于下述事項的文件:青少年持續發展及培育基金的擬議資助范圍及運作安排。

Increase the monthly rate of aa from 10 , 000 by 7 , 000 to 17 , 000 and expand the ambit of the aa , with effect from december 2001 由2001年12月,把每月的實報實銷津貼增加7 , 000元由10 , 000元增加至17 , 000元和擴大實報實銷津貼所涵蓋的范圍