
ambiguous adj.1.有兩種或多種意思的。2.含糊的,不明確的。短...

It will be seen that the term “internal work product“ is ambiguous . 可以看出,術語“內乘積功”有兩種解釋。

ambiguous case

A common example of ambiguous input is an overloaded function name 常見的二義性輸入是重載的函數名。

He gave me an ambiguous answer 他給我一個含糊其辭的回答。

Natural law : the ambiguous cultural idea 充滿歧義的文化理念

She gave me an ambiguous answer 她給我一個含糊籠統的回答。

Label declaration takes precedence in any ambiguous situation 標簽聲明在任何模糊環境中都有優先權。

All of that said , ambiguous data structures can be valuable 大家都說,含糊不清的數據也可能有價值。

The format provider is also used to interpret an ambiguous numeric date 可以修改此行為,但這會導致

. . . because it was all so ambiguous . .因為一切都是那么模糊。

This sentence is ambiguous in sense 這句子有含糊籠統的感覺。

But when an identifier is ambiguous , it must be qualified 但是當某一標識符不確定時,必須限定它:

He give us an ambiguous answer 他給了我們一個模棱兩可的答復。

Classification of ambiguous sentences in english 英語歧義句分析

Discussion on classification ambiguous differences 分類歧異小議

On the types of ambiguous structures and their dividing methods 論歧義結構的類型及其分化的方法

Another apparent sign of convalescence is more ambiguous 另一個經濟恢復的表面信號更為模糊。

Your goal must not be ambiguous that you cant really define it 別再這樣說了,說得具體一點:

In fact , your ambiguous words amount to a refusal 實際上,你說的那些模棱兩可的話等于是拒絕。

In real life ? a little startling and a little ambiguous 現實?一點點奇怪和一點點難以捉摸