
ambiguity n.1.可作兩種或多種解釋;含糊;意義不明確。2.模棱兩...

There is a fundamental ambiguity in the use of word “whole“ in recent holistic literature . 在近代的整體主義著作中,“整體”這個詞的用法極其含混。


The process of resolving chinese syntactic ambiguity 漢語歧義句的消解過程

If the ambiguity is a problem , you can use the 如果有多義性問題,可以使用

The real meaning of his remark is involved in ambiguity 他這句話的真正意思難以捉摸。

Analysis on the reasons of english grammatical ambiguity 英語寫作能力的培養與精讀教學

Ambiguity and its translation in the literary perspective 文學視域中的歧義與翻譯策略

If there is ambiguity , both this flag and the 如果存在多義性,則可以同時設置此標志和

Preliminary exploring about types of ambiguity of phrases 短語歧義類型初探

Explanation of ambiguity in publication punctuation usage 出版物標點符號用法疑義釋例

A comparative study of ambiguity in chinese and japanese 漢日歧義式對比分析

Remarks on the ambiguity in multiple scales method 多尺度法二義性的一種解釋

The application of pragmatic ambiguity in dynamic context 動態語境中語用模糊的運用

The analysis of ambiguity phenomenon in chinese syntax 申躍中創作命運思考下

New algorithm for fast integer ambiguity resolution 一種新的整周模糊度快速求解算法

Their investigation report was full of ambiguities 她們的調查報告模棱兩可。

The expressions of ambiguity and its rhetoric functions 歧義的表現形式及其修辭作用

Language ambiguity , cultural background and english humor 文化背景與英文幽默

A review of researches on lexical ambiguity resolution 詞匯歧義消解的研究概況

If there is ambiguity , both this and the 如果存在多義性,則可以同時設置此值和