
ambience n.= ambiance.


The entire family will enjoy the relaxing ambience , fantastic restaurants , charming open - air teahouses and fun barbecue spots 赤柱亦有景觀一流的燒烤場餐館及露天茶座,您和孩子大可在此享受豐富美食。

As everyone know , it ' s ‘ the tv ad . of business streets ' and play ads . continuously 24h . it has strong ambience authentically 被譽為“商業街邊的電視廣告” , 24小時不斷播放廣告,具有強大的宣傳氣氛。

Local and overseas visitors alike may share the joy of touring the charming park and soaking up the ambience of the past at the site 中外人士既可享受游園之樂,欣賞怡人的景致,亦可發思古之幽情。

There are a tulip night club fixed up luxuriously and full of ambience with the firdt class stereo 酒店擁有一個裝修豪華充滿情調的郁金香夜總會,音響設備一流,每晚的勁歌曼舞,伴您度過美妙良宵。

Located in the theater district of american waterfront , new york deli captures the ambience of big city delicatessens 位于戲院熱鬧區的紐約美味房,供應風味絕佳的三明治沙拉小菜甜點等。

Too high temperature of the operating temperature or chemical gas in the operating ambience will cause hoses cracking 工作環境溫度過高或工作空間有化學氣體,可能會導致軟管龜裂。

Serves excellent mediterranean food and particularly refreshing sangria . live music adds to the laid - back beach - house ambience 至于模達灣,村子不大,卻是老饕一享口福的好去處。

The swimming pool creates an ambience of total alleviation while the fitness center features advanced workout equipment 先進的儀器加上舒適的環境,為旅客締造一個完美的假期。

You ll love the ambience and the great deals you can get on souvenirs , clothing , electronic goods and much more 價格吸引的商品周遭充滿地方色彩的景象,莫不是引人入勝之處。

This light is a result of light rays being reflected multiple numbers of times by many objects in the ambience 這是由于環境中不同的多種物體對光線多次反射后形成的結果。

Muted chocolate tones blend with sensual fabrics , creating an ambience that is both welcoming and calming 酒店每間客房經過精心設計,力求讓每位客人都有賓至如歸的感受。

At the same time , you will enjoy a uniquely relaxing ambience to unwind and restore your sense of well - being 此外,這里獨一無二的舒適環境,有助您的身心回復最隹狀態。

The ambience and decor of lobby lounge , located just off the main lobby , exudes subtle chic 位于酒店大堂,富有時代感的環境設計,讓您可悠閑地享受下午茶及怡神特飲。

Guests will enjoy a uniquely relaxing ambience to unwind and restore their sense of well - being 賓客置身優美獨特的舒適環境中,隨即忘憂釋懷,體驗身心舒泰的美妙感覺。

Breathes life to the chilling ambience and twisted aesthetics of cruelty that are the hallmarks of hino hideshis 挑戰人類感官極限,深刻體現日野筆下殘酷與荒誕的世界

Create an ambience to reinforce the relaxed rural life - style with open space and landscaping 以休憩用地和美化措施來創造地方氣息,務求鄉郊的寫意生活方式可更添閑情。

In our current residential space , however , we have difficulty in creating a pleasant ambience for neighbourhoods 而現代居住方式中卻難以形成的親密的鄰里關系。

Art enriches a city , creates a unique cultural ambience , and brings joy to people ' s lives 藝術能帶給生活更豐饒的養分與歡樂,而藝術也為城市帶來獨特的文化氣氛。

Just like lan kwai fong in central , the area has a relaxed ambience of european elegance 這地方像中區的蘭桂坊一樣,有著歐洲的高雅情調,可說是東區的蘭桂坊。