
ambiance n.環境;氣氛(= ambience)。

Then the author , on the basis of theoretical model of software “ supporting environment “ , proposes the environment construction for talent internationalization strategy with 3 levels that are market directing ( capital input and venture platform ) , system directing ( policy guiding and law guarantee ) and value directing ( culture ambiance and resonance ) , which reflects the implement way of how to efficiently accelerate talent internationalization from the three aspects of material civilization , political civilization and spiritual civilization 然后,依據軟件“支撐環境”的理論模型,提出以市場導向(資金投入與創業平臺) 、制度導向(政策引導與法律保障) 、價值導向(文化氛圍與文化認同)等三個層次的人才國際化戰略的環境建設,反映了如何從物質文明、政治文明、精神文明三個方面有效推進人才國際化戰略的實施路徑。

Nitiates hold a casual and relaxing “ happy yogi country fashion show “ at a beautiful town in the south of france to give local residents a chance to appreciate the rich and multi - dimensional creativity of a spiritual master , and the happy , open ambiance of her disciples 同修們在法國南部一處風光旖旎的地方,舉行一場輕松悠閑的happy yogi田園風情秀,讓此地人們有機會感受一位靈性導師豐富多元的創造力及同修們快樂開朗的修行氣氛。

“ enjoy - cottage “ have an ambiance & quite surrounding , clean & tidy rooms with basic facilities , little swimming pool , 3 minutes walk away from the town , good connection with near - by “ iban long house “ of which long house visit can be arrange at any time “悅來小筑“擁有幽靜的四周環境,整潔房間設備,小游泳池,步行3分鐘可到小鎮,與鄰近依班長屋有良好關系,可隨時安排到長屋拜訪參觀等

“ at weekends , inagiku is a restaurant where family and friends can relax and enjoy the restaurant s ambiance and marvellous view of victoria harbour - and have great meal that is both delicious and value for money “ , said executive japanese chef morihara ,用當造的青梅造成,酸酸甜甜,十分開胃加茂茄子田樂燒,用京都特產茄子配以面豉醬燒,香味濃郁又不油不膩


Named after the popular 19th century american author whose stories about life on the mississippi river are now regarded as classics , the mark twain riverboat s ornate decoration and authentic design captures the look , period ambiance , refinement and dignity of a stately paddlewheel steamboat 這艘共有三層的豪華游輪,猶如水上的宮殿般巡游于美國河域。白天讓親切的船長為您解說沿路的風光,乘坐浪漫的豪華輪漫游美國河域。晚上則在浪漫的樂聲中感受羅曼蒂克的時光。

As soon as he entered the venue , he was immediately fascinated by the harmonious ambiance and by a very strong energy that inundated him . after a short while , he felt much more comfortable and revitalized . deeply touched , he spoke for all visitors by expressing his gratitude for having the opportunity to attend such an event promoting vegetarianism 但一進入會場,馬上被融洽的氣氛所吸引,也感覺被一股極強的能量包圍,在短短的時間內,渾身舒暢精神抖擻,感動地代表所有參加人士致謝意,讓他們有機會參加此活動,對素食能進一步了解。

Captain s bar recreating the english ambiance for fun and exciting music , the captain s bar with just the right amount of elegance and comfort is the perfect place to either enjoy a glass of wine or a premium beer undisturbed in the quiet zone or to enjoy music from a live band 船長酒吧船長酒吧裝修典雅舒適,具有傳統英式酒吧的氛圍,是喜歡熱鬧的客人晚間娛樂的好去處。您可隨現場樂隊演奏的搖滾樂盡情起舞,大展活力也可靜坐一旁,獨酌一杯美酒,觀賞他人的演出。

Their attack was so forceful that the earth was struck slightly off its orbit , which resulted in the extreme hot and cold climate of today . after that , the angels locked us here . in addition , we ourselves generate this kind of ambiance , so we live and die by ourselves 當初天使準備消滅我們,因為攻擊太強烈,地球被撞出去一點,離開軌道打到旁邊去,離開原位,所以天氣才變得那么極端,又熱又冷,之后天使就把我們關在這里,鎖起來,加上我們自己又發出那種氣氛,自生自滅。

Moving to the west , through the winding retail street of lush mounded foliage the resident will discover the dramatic glowing embers of the flaming pots and formal array of palm trees in the fire court , where at night it will come alive with a tropical , relaxed ambiance ; a fitting entrance to the vibrant character of the health and fitness club 向西移動,通過綠葉掩蓋蜿蜒曲折的商業街,人們將會在火園發現熊熊火焰下陶盆中熾熱的灰燼和整齊有致的椰樹陣容,夜晚這里將是閃爍著熱帶風情的休閑場所,賦予健康特征的健身中心入口通向健身俱樂部。

People who have not found the gateway to the sound - that is , the quan yin method - must remain in transmigration without a home to rest . doubt and instability have enveloped and taken control over the world . few souls can rise above such an ambiance of this world , which means that few can set themselves free 如果一個人找不到聲音的門,意思說觀音法門,他就一天到晚輪回,沒有任何家可歸,因為我們在這個世界受懷疑不安穩的氣氛所控制所包圍,而能夠控制那種氣氛的人很少,意思說解脫的人很少,修行的人很少,在世界能安穩自在的人很少。

Furthermore , through the process of their self - rectification , they will also improve the world s ambiance . by having relationships with those who have been corrected , other people do not have to be corrected anymore in heaven , or at least they won t be overlooked by the life - saving net . therefore , the work on the earth is the most important 而且在這個世界整理,能染整個世界氣氛不一樣,每個人跟你們那些修理完修理好的人有溝通的話,以后去上面就不用再修理了,或是不會漏出那個救命的網,因此在這邊的工作是最重要的。

Then the author , on the basis of theoretical model of software “ supporting environment “ , proposes the environment construction for talent internationalization strategy with 3 levels that are market directing ( capital input and venture platform ) , system directing ( policy guiding and law guarantee ) and value directing ( culture ambiance and resonance ) , which reflects the implement way of how to efficiently accelerate talent internationalization from the three aspects of material civilization , political civilization and spiritual civilization 然后,依據軟件“支撐環境”的理論模型,提出以市場導向(資金投入與創業平臺) 、制度導向(政策引導與法律保障) 、價值導向(文化氛圍與文化認同)等三個層次的人才國際化戰略的環境建設,反映了如何從物質文明、政治文明、精神文明三個方面有效推進人才國際化戰略的實施路徑。

The image features of object and ambiance in the real robot visual servo system are analyzed . the method of object recognition based on image segmentation and corner detection is presented . an image is segmented into several regions by image segmentation 分析了實際的機器人視覺系統中目標物體以及環境的圖像特征,提出基于圖像分割與角點檢測的物體識別方法,通過圖像分割將整幅圖像分割為一個個的單一物體區域,分別利用角點檢測,找出與模板角點信息相匹配的區域,然后利用基于模糊自適應操作算子遺傳算法的圖像匹配方法尋求最優匹配。

Guests who added to the warm ambiance at the quan yin booth included the principal , teachers and students from the national taichung school for the deaf , children from the taiwan fund for children and families and the director , teachers and students from the local youth high schools advertising design department 書展期間,國立臺中啟聰學校校長與師生臺中家扶中心小朋友青年高中廣告設計科主任與師生,也應邀與會叁觀我們的攤位,為這次活動增添溫馨的氣氛。

Immediately i felt a soothing air of comfort envelop the venue ! a subtle ambiance tenderly caressed my face like a gentle wind lightly kissing the thin lace . how different it was from the coarse atmosphere that had hung like a thick , heavy blanket over the meditating fellow practitioners just a while ago 那種微細的氣氛像涼風沁入心脾,柔軟地如同薄紗伴隨著微風輕撫著我的臉龐和先前只有同修打坐時,感覺上粗糙地像在厚重的棉被窩里一般,真有如天壤之別。

It is constructed of special formosan juniper wood , without a lacquer coating , so that the lamp gives off a slight natural wood fragrance when lit . hung high on the wall , with its natural scent , it exudes a tranquil and carefree ambiance . the earlier desk lamp - cooling , 全燈系以福爾摩沙檜木制成,燈身表面不涂飾任何漆料,保持原木材質,點亮燈光的同時,高掛著的壁燈將散發出淡淡的檜木原始香氣,讓人徜徉在大自然的芬多精之中,享受一室的寧靜自在。

Nitiates hold a casual and relaxing “ happy yogi country fashion show “ at a beautiful town in the south of france to give local residents a chance to appreciate the rich and multi - dimensional creativity of a spiritual master , and the happy , open ambiance of her disciples 同修們在法國南部一處風光旖旎的地方,舉行一場輕松悠閑的happy yogi田園風情秀,讓此地人們有機會感受一位靈性導師豐富多元的創造力及同修們快樂開朗的修行氣氛。

Style hong kong shop serves as a promotion platform of the hong kong trade and development council for up and coming designer items created in hong kong for the chinese market and its design reflects the products that are found in the shop which results in a fun , free flowing , organic and casual ambiance 項目目標:是香港貿易發展局的一個推廣展示概念店,給具有設計含量的香港品牌產品提供包含中國大陸市場在內的一系列連鎖平臺

In addition , eight temporary shower stalls with water storage tanks were built , and the meditation hall , entrance , campsites , kitchen , showers , toilets and other areas were brilliantly illuminated with electric lights , adding to the venues warmth and welcoming ambiance 另外,還建蓋了八間附有儲水槽的臨時淋浴間,一到夜晚,大殿小中心入口處帳篷區廚房淋浴間和廁所等處一片燈火通明,為這個新的小中心增添了溫馨歡迎的氣氛。