
amberjack n.【魚類】1.環帶鰤。2.杜氏鰤。3.長背鰤。


According to the seasonal variation analysis , the fishing seasons of amberjack ( seriola dumerili ) , yellow - fin trevally ( caranx ignobilis ) , blue - striped runner ( elagatis bipinnulatus ) , big - eyed scad ( trachurops macrophthalmus ) , korean mackerel ( scomberomorus koreanus ) , chinese mackerel ( s . sinensis ) , hairtail ( trichiurus haumela ) , unicorn filefish ( aluterus monoceros ) , angel sharks ( scoliodon walbeemii ) , round scad ( decapterus maruadsi ) and small spot pompano ( trachinotus baillonii ) were significantly affected by different types of set - net construction 其中紅甘? 、雙帶? 、中華馬加? 、薄葉單棘? 、尖頭鮫、銅鏡?及斐氏黃臘?等漁期提前;浪人? 、白? 、高麗馬加?及白帶魚之盛漁期延后;而白帶魚及薄葉單棘?更分別于各自的盛漁期成為當月份的優勢漁獲物。