
ambergris n.龍涎香。


The left nostril is for breathing , and the right one is for making sounds . the valuable ambergris is found in the rectum . ambergris is the product of undigested cuttlefish beaks , usually sticky and in dark color 這種東西是因為它吞食烏賊后,烏賊的啄嘴堅硬不易消化,在不能通過抹香鯨的消化胃腸時,就會形成一種深色的黏質,也就是俗稱的涎香了。

Ambergris has an unpleasant smell , but the smell changes into fragrance after coming in contact with air . therefore , it is the perfect fixing agent for perfume making 涎香的味道原本不好聞,但在與空氣接觸后,味道就變得芳香無比而且歷久彌新,因而成為制造香水最佳的固定劑。

As ambergris is very valuable , the sperm whale has been widely hunted by humans . today , it is an endangered species and protected worldwide 因涎香的經濟價值高,人類濫捕,抹香鯨已濱臨絕種,國際已將其列為被保護動物。

Elemi , bitter orange , italian lemon , indonesian pepper and pink pepper , ambergris , oak , cedar , vetiver , balsam of peru and tears of siam 中味:琥珀及微量香料。后味:檸檬、塞維爾橙、橄欖及胡椒。適合日間及平日使用。

Exactly ! ambergris is a secretion of the sperm whale that ' s purified in the ocean for a good ten years before it can be used 完全正確!龍涎香是抹香鯨的一種分泌物,要在大海里凈化十年以上才能夠使用。

When a sperm whale is sick , it many produce a fatty substance called ambergris 當抹香鯨生病時,它會產生出一種脂肪物質,被稱為龍涎香。

She ' ii be ioaded with gold and ambergris and all the gems of araby 滿載的黃金,還有龍涎香和阿拉伯珠寶