
amber n.1.琥珀。2.琥珀色。3.【軍事】線狀無煙火藥(彈)...

“ amber d ' alessio . “ she made out with a hot dog “安柏?德?阿萊希奧”她與“熱狗”有染


Verrus horta sends three jars of amber 法拉斯?霍塔送來三罐琥珀

5 luminous colors : red , green , amber , yellow and white 5種發光顏色:紅色綠色琥珀色黃色和白色

Amber : to ethabella how do i look 面向ethabella看起來怎么樣?

No ! amber ' s one of my dearest friends 不,安柏是我最親愛的朋友

Escape from the room . amber edition games 大家來找茬韓國版小游戲

This is a piece of little amber stones 這是一塊小小的琥珀化石。

Trapped in the amber of distress , her life is nothing more 對死神來臨的焦慮成了她生命的唯一,

Once ( it is ) heated , the amber can be made into any shape 一旦加熱,琥珀可以被制成任何形狀。

Amber edition games - 4455 miniclip games 黃色版小游戲- 4399小游戲

But when the light hits them they change to amber 可是當光線照到它們的時候就變成了琥珀色的

If the system led is amber , then post failed 如果系統燈號是黃褐色的,則開機自我測試失敗了。

Once ( it is ) heated , the amber can be made into any shape 6一旦被加熱,琥珀可以制成各種形狀

A few days later another piece of amber arrived in the mail 幾天后,郵差送來了另一塊琥珀。

Ms . amber lam , senior systems manager , hospital authority 醫院管理局高級系統經理林景云女士

Their tears , dried by the sun , are amber 。而他們的眼淚在被太陽蒸

Stop on amber ( unless stopping may cause an accident ) 黃燈應停車(除非停車會引起交通意外)

Barenjager is a german , amber - colored honey liqueur 這是一種德國出產的琥珀酸色蜂蜜甜酒。

The traffic lights changed from green to amber to red 交通燈從綠色變成琥珀色再變成紅色。