
ambassadorial adj.大使的。 an ambassadorial-le...


Our ambassadorial scholars , rotary world peace fellows , rotary volunteers , group study exchange teams ? all of the dedicated men and women who have participated in these programs have experienced firsthand the warmth of rotary fellowship and the power of rotary service 我們的大使獎學金受獎人、扶輪世界和平獎學金學生、扶輪義工、團體研究交換小組他們都是參與過這些計畫的熱心男女,親身體驗過扶輪聯誼的溫暖與扶輪服務的力量。

Though separated by nearly 9 , 200 miles ( approximately 14 , 800 kilometers ) as the crow flies , young people in kampala , uganda , and tucson , arizona , usa , are discovering one another ' s worlds through a program initiated by ambassadorial scholar ojeya cruz banks 烏干達的坎帕拉與美國亞利桑那州土森市相互分隔的直線距離雖然約近9 , 200英里(約1萬4 , 800公里) ,兩地的年輕人正透過大使獎學金學生歐潔雅?班克斯發起的計劃,發現彼此的世界。

They include ambassadorial scholars , group study exchange team leaders and members , and recipients of rotary grants for university teachers , individual grants , and former discovery grant , new opportunities grant , and grants for rotary volunteer recipients 這些人包括大使獎學金學生、團體研究交換團團長及團員、扶輪大學教師獎助金受獎人、發現獎助金受獎人、新機會獎助金受獎人、及扶輪義工獎助金受獎人。

If every rotarian felt that his / her contribution did not make a difference , there would be no ambassadorial scholars , no group study exchange participants , no matching grants , no rotary volunteers , nor any other trf programs 如果每一個扶輪社員都覺得他/她的捐獻無濟于事時,就不會有大使獎學金學生、團體研究交換參加者、配合獎助金、扶輪義工、或基金會其他計劃。

Granlund , who was a rotary youth exchange student in the united states in 1992 - 93 , spoke about the rotary foundation ' s ambassadorial scholarships program , the largest privately funded international scholarship program in the world 93年度以扶輪青少年交換學生身分到美國的葛藍倫德,則是談論扶輪基金會的大使獎學金計畫全世界規模最大的私人贊助國際獎學金。

The award is open to all foundation alumni : former ambassadorial scholars , group study exchange team leaders and members , and recipients of a grant for rotary volunteers , university teacher grant , or discovery grant 該獎項是對所有基金會前受獎人開放:前大使獎學生、團體研究交換團團長和團員、與扶輪義工獎助金、大學教師獎助金、或發現獎助金的受獎者。 。

Programs such as polioplus , matching grants , ambassadorial scholarships , and group study exchange not only foster world understanding , but also help rotarians develop relationships with people from other countries 根除小兒?痹等疾病計劃、配合獎助金、大使獎學金及團體研究交換等計劃,不僅可以促進世界?解,還可幫助扶輪社員與其他國家的人建立關系。

As the world works to combat hatred and intolerance , i am reminded of what so many of us learn as ambassadorial scholars - cultural differences make us unique , but our differences are not what ultimately matter 當這個世界正與憎恨及不寬容戰斗時,它提醒了我們了解大使獎學生,不同的文化使我們變成獨特的,但是我們文化的差異性并不是終究的事情。

Rotary without matching grants , without ambassadorial scholars , and without the unifying fight for polio eradication would be a rotary without many of the most important ties linking our clubs and districts 假使扶輪沒有配合獎助金、沒有大使獎學金學生、而且沒有為根除小兒?痹而并肩奮戰,扶輪將失去許多令各扶輪社及地區團結在一起的重要因素。

Exchange students and ambassadorial scholars further their educations while fostering international understanding , gaining new appreciations of their homelands , and building bridges to new and different cultures 交換學生及大使獎學金學生在促進他們的教育的同時,也培養了國際了解、對他們的祖國有新的了解、并搭起通往新的及不同的文化的橋梁。

Moreover , when the young ambassadorial scholars are traveling to rotary clubs to speak , he urged club members to invite scholars into their homes and to find other ways to spend time with them 而且,當年輕的大使獎學金學生正旅行到扶輪社演講時,他極力主張扶輪社社員要邀請獎學生到他們的家里并且找出一些其他與他們共渡時光的方法。

The program ' s objectives provide ambassadorial scholars and their sponsor and host rotarians with a broader understanding of how the ambassadorial scholarships can be effective in furthering trf ' s mission 該計劃的目標在使大使獎學金學生及負責輔導和接待的扶輪社員更廣泛地了解如何使大使獎學金計劃有效地促進基金會使命的達成。

A gift of us $ 150 , 000 or more can support a more restricted purpose , a project within a program of your choice . * ( for example , $ 150 , 000 will endow an academic - year ambassadorial scholarship 如果捐款25萬美元或更高金額時將可支援一個或多個上述的目的,并將有資格于國際扶輪世界總部( 17樓)的的阿奇?柯藍夫展示館接受表揚。

With its youth exchange program and its cultural , ambassadorial and world peace scholarships , rotary has played an important part in bridging the divide between different peoples 由青少年交換計劃及文化、大使獎學生及世界和平獎學生,扶輪扮演著將不同的人結合的重要角色。

Salt lake city ? the first time philip lader boarded an airplane was when he traveled to england to attend the university of oxford as a 1967 - 68 ambassadorial scholar 鹽湖城當菲利普?雷德擔任1967 - 68年度大使獎學金學生旅行至英國就讀牛津大學時是他第一次的搭飛機。

Together with his wife , paula , john has hosted several group study exchange members and they have been host counselors for two rotary foundation ambassadorial scholars 約翰與他的妻子寶拉一起接待了幾個團體研究交換成員,他們并擔任兩位扶輪基金大使獎學生的顧問。

However , the main reason is due to the countless number of rotarians who generously supported my service as a rotary foundation ambassadorial scholar abroad 然而最主要的原因是有無數的扶輪社員,他們很慷慨的贊助我,使我能成為遠赴國外的扶輪基金大使獎學生。

Remind clubs to develop plans to invite rotary foundation ambassadorial scholars to speak at their clubs and to involve them in service projects 提醒扶輪社擬定計劃邀請扶輪基金大使獎學金學生在扶輪社發表演說,并邀請他們參加服務計劃。

The ambassadorial scholarships program is the world ' s largest , pri ? vately funded international scholarship program for university - level studies 大使獎學金計劃是世界最大的私人提供大學程級研究之國際獎學金計劃。