
ambassador n.1.大使;使節。2.專使,特使。3.代表。短語和例子...

But kennan applied the same ideas to latin america in a briefing for latin american ambassadors in which he explained that one of the main concerns of u.s. policy is the “protection of our raw materials“ . 凱南把這一思想也運用到拉丁美洲了。他在給駐拉丁美洲使節們下達的一份簡令中解釋說:美國最關心的問題之一就是“保護我們的原料”。

To that end i instructed our nimble un ambassador john scali, to consume the evening in “consultations“ . 為此,我指示我們駐聯合國大使,機智的約翰斯卡利把晚上的時間用于進行“磋商”。

As i warmed to the topic the ambassador exclaimed, “more calm, please, my dear mr. churchill. “ 當我說得激烈的時候,大使大聲說:“邱吉爾先生閣下,請冷靜一些吧!”


The president nominated him ambassador to russia 總統提名他擔任駐俄國大使。

People had been trained as fire safety ambassadors 人受訓成為消防安全大使。

British ambassador to china william ehrman eagerly awaits 英國駐華大使歐威廉

The government has recalled its ambassador from paris 政府已經將大使從巴黎召回。

The queen was represented by the british ambassador 英國大使代表女王參加了葬禮。

The prime minister nominated him ambassador to france 總理任命他為駐法大使。

The government has recalled its ambassador from paris 政府把大使從巴黎召回。

The ambassador understood local etiquette very well 那位大使非常了解當地的禮節。

Confront with first ambassador in usa of new china 與新中國首任駐美大使面對面

One student was selected as hong kong young ambassador 一位同學獲選為本地青年大使

Philippine ambassador lauds chinese charter flight 菲律賓大使贊賞中國包機服務

Three students were selected as putonghua ambassadors 三位同學榮獲普通話大使名銜

Two activities arranged by our health ambassadors 健康大使為全體同學安排兩項活動

The ambassador of persia ! - excuse us for being iate 波斯的大使! -原諒我們來晚了

British ambassador to china sir christopher hum said 英國駐華大使韓魁發爵士說。

An ambassador is addressed as “ your excellency ” 面對大使需稱呼大使閣下。