
amazonian adj.〔南美〕亞馬遜河流域的。n.亞馬遜河區的印第安人...


Some gauze enveloped her , but her rounded shoulders , her amazonian bosom , her wide hips , which swayed to and fro voluptuously , her whole body , in fact , could be divined , nay discerned , in all its foamlike whiteness of tint beneath the slight fabric she wore . it was venus rising from the waves with no veil save her tresses 她裹著一身薄紗,她那圓圓的肩膀,隆起的乳房,像噴嘴一樣挺直的粉紅色的奶頭,極其肉感并不停擺動的寬大臀部,肥胖的金發女郎的大腿,以及整個身體,在那輕盈的白得像泡沫的料子下面都能讓人揣摩出來,看得清清楚楚。

In addition to tess , marian , and izz , there were two women from a neighbouring village ; two amazonian sisters , whom tess with a start remembered as dark car the queen of spades and her junior the queen of diamonds - those who had tried to fight with her in the midnight quarrel at trantridge 除了苔絲和瑪麗安,這兒還有從附近村子里來的另外兩個女人她們是亞馬遜印第安人,是姊妹倆,苔絲見了,吃了一驚,她記起來了,一個是黑桃皇后黑卡爾,另一個是她的妹妹方塊皇后在特蘭里奇半夜里吵架那一回,想和她打架的就是她們倆。

If one begins by examining why ancients refer to amazons , it becomes clear that ancient greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical fact ? real amazonian societies ? but rather to offer “ moral lessons ” on the supposed outcome of women ' s rule in their own society 如果問到為什么古人類起源于亞馬遜,根據對婦權在亞馬遜社會的推測的結果,我們變的很清楚,那就是古希臘人對此類社會的描述僅是提供了傳說,而不被認為代表觀察到的歷史的事實-真實的亞馬遜社會。

Two years ago a study of another amazonian tribe , the piraha , reported that the ability of tribal adults to conceptualise numbers is no better than that of infants or even some animals . the research suggested that without words for specific numbers , a number sense cannot develop 法國和美國的研究人員在最新一期的科學雜志上發表文章稱,在亞馬孫河叢林深處有一個部落群,即便他們沒有用來表達幾何學概念的語言也極具幾何學天賦。

Her masses of yellow hair were unknotted behind , and they covered her back with the fell of a lioness . bending back thus , she displayed her solid amazonian waist and firm bosom , where strong muscles moved under the satin texture of the skin 她挺著胸脯,脅部繃得緊緊的,顯示了她那女戰士般的結實腰肢和硬挺挺的乳房,在軟緞般的皮膚下面,這兩處肌肉健美而發達。

Are among the most exceptional worldwide , due to the variety of plants and wildlife they enclose , especially in the amazonian forest , making of peru a privileged country for ecoturism , trekking , canoeing and adventure tourism 由于包含多樣植物及野生動物,因此亞馬遜叢林,使秘魯成為最特殊的生態旅游長途旅行獨木舟航行及探險旅程的絕佳地點。

An isolated tribe that lives deep in the amazonian jungle has a basic understanding of geometry , even though its members lack the language to express these concepts . the study of the munduruk 法國和美國的研究人員在最新一期的科學雜志上發表文章稱,在亞馬孫河叢林深處有一個部落群,即便他們沒有用來表達幾何學概念的語言也極具幾何學天賦。

Two years ago a study of another amazonian tribe , the piraha , reported that the ability of tribal adults to conceptualise numbers is no better than that of infants or even some animals 法國和美國的研究人員在最新一期的科學雜志上發表文章稱,在亞馬孫河叢林深處有一個部落群,即便他們沒有用來表達幾何學概念的語言也極具幾何學天賦。

Although brazil nut is not the major species there , this does show that amazonian agroforest farmers , without government - sponsored extension support , are following the amerindian traditions 雖然巴西堅果在那里不是主要的物種,但這表明,如果沒有政府贊助的擴展支持,亞馬孫農林復合地帶的農民自然延續了美洲印第安人的種植傳統。

In the past 15 years new opportunities to study the region ' s rock and fossil records have finally enabled investigators to piece together a more complete picture of amazonian history 過去15年來,由于有新的機會研究該地區巖石及化石記錄,終于使研究人員得以拼湊出更完整的亞馬遜河歷史全貌。

The second option is the preferred route to enrich already deforested areas with brazil nut and provide for the long - term capitalization of the amazonian farmer 第二個選擇是可取的路線,以豐富已伐林地區的植被,并為亞馬孫農民提供長期的自然資源資本化支持。

The amazonian landscape altered significantly soon thereafter when a violent episode of tectonic activity began pushing up the northeastern andes 之后,劇烈的地殼構造活動,推擠出安地斯山的東北邊,于是亞馬遜河流域的地貌開始大幅改變。

The site protects key threatened species , including giant arapaima fish , the amazonian manatee , the black caiman and two species of river dolphin 保護區為許多珍稀瀕危動物提供保護,例如巨骨舌魚、亞馬遜海牛、黑凱門鱷和兩種淡水豚類。

Amazonian governors are more committed to this than ever before , he reckons , and now brazil wants the rest of the world ' s help 他承認,亞馬遜的執政者比以往任何時候都要投入,現在,巴西希望得到世界上其它國家的幫助。

The package calls for paving several amazonian roads , traditionally the main vectors of destruction 一攬子計劃要求在亞馬遜領域鋪設很多道路,傳統上道路是破壞森林的主要引導。

Amazonian strength out of this small girl 你這小女孩力氣還真大!

She stabbed him with a glance of amazonian fierceness and drew in lower lip . 她用亞馬孫族婦女的那種勇猛強悍的目光瞪了他一眼,同時下唇動了一動。