
amaze vt.使驚奇,使吃驚。 be amazed at [by...


She was amazed at the number of astral bodies the new telescope revealed . 從這臺新的望遠鏡里竟能看到那么多的星體,這把她驚呆了。

In his new book he hits off the american temperament with amazing insight . 在他的新書里他對美國人性格的描述表現了驚人的觀察力。

She stretched out a bony hand, and with amazing strength stabbed a cushion . 她伸出一只瘦削的手,以驚人的勁頭,戳穿了一個椅墊。

The salesman tried to lead me on with talk of amazing savings on heating bills . 推銷員竭力慫恿我,說可以節省一大筆取暖費用。

It was amazing that she should exhibit such temerity, but he would teach her ! 她竟然表現得如此放肆,真是驚人,但他要教訓她!

He was so amazed at their effrontery that he stutters in confusion . 他對他們的粗暴無禮感到非常吃驚,竟然結結巴巴,不知所措。

At that amazing apparition, he made at first no movement and no sound . 望著這個駭人的精靈,他開頭并沒有行動,也沒有做聲。

When paul arrived in highland park, he was amazed at what he found . 保羅來到海蘭德公園的時候,他對所發現的情況大為吃驚。

What an amazing place london was to me when i saw it in the distance . 我從遠處望著倫敦,覺得它真是一個令人驚異的地方。

He looked over secretly to see whether joad was interested or amazed . 他悄悄地轉過眼來,看看約德是否感興趣,是否吃驚。

But the variety of other merchandise delivered to the tissues is amazing . 但是,給組織送上門的其他貨物的種類是驚人的。

Pitt stooped and picked them up, amazed at so much wealth . 畢脫彎下身子把它們撿起來,看見這么大的數目,詫異得不得了。

With a decidedly amazed expression, he listened to a complete confession . 他帶著非常詫異的表情,聽著事情的全部來由。

The surrounding walls of amazing thickness kept off all sounds behind them . 四周的圍墻厚得驚人,隔絕了所有的聲音。

Scientists might be amazed by the ingenious arrangement of the apparatus . 這種裝置精巧的構造可能使科學家感到驚奇。

Devilish pretty girl that! 'pon my soul, an amazing little creature ! 那姑娘真俊氣!我敢說,真是一個驚人的小貨色!

The effect on tollifer of this amazing interview was extremely exhilarating . 這次意外的會晤使都力弗感到極端興奮。

He was the most amazing specimen of the southern negro i had ever met . 他是我所遇到的南部黑人中最令人驚異的怪人。

The scale of his spending 50000 pounds in a year amazed us all . 他一年花費的標準是50000英鎊把我們都嚇了一跳。