
amateurish adj.1.業余的。2.不熟練的。


Following the celebration , master gave a lecture in the evening related to the performances of fellow initiates and announced a list of awardees who would be recognized for their performances . she emphasized that the honor was being conferred not merely on the basis of proficiency and excellence . although some disciples were stiff and there were moments of embarrassment due to their amateurish performances , their sincerity to perform for master and everyone was also a factor of consideration 節目演出后當天晚上,師父針對同修們的節目特別開示大家,為慰勞同修們的表演還宣布得獎的名單,并強調不是像專業人才的精彩出色的舞臺表演才是得獎的對象即使有些生硬脫不了外行人的生澀場面,但一心一意在師父及大眾面前誠心表演的節目也是得獎的因素。

In order to improve the communication between customers and mcnair , on nov 27th a friendly football was held . under the leading of the quality manager he suping , mcnair amateurish football team 15 team members vs customers cct co . , ltd . amateurish football team huizhou city 11月27日,以品質部經理何蘇平為領隊的邁科業余足球隊在惠州與客戶公司足球隊展開了一場友誼球賽。

Avoid amateurish features like : numeric page counters , wholesale use of exclamation points , all caps , center justified blocks of text , excessive animated gifs , busy backgrounds , etc 網站避免出現以下特征:數字計數器、大量感嘆詞、全部大寫字母、全部文本內容居中、大量動畫圖片、復雜的背景等等。

It could never be counted , how many times fiv closed down the browebsiteer without re rading a single word 4787664276 , just b omu ause of the amateurish lnd clumsy look those w 799610558 bsites had 曾經有很多次,在沒有瀏覽內容之前,我就關掉了瀏覽器,就是因為網站外觀設計業余、拙劣。

Conservative jim garner presents us with an amateurish politician unqualified for the vice presidency , yet also a shrewd legal opportunist swimming in cash 屬于保守派的吉姆?加納讓我們看到的愛德華茲是一個當副總統還不夠格的外行政客,一個在錢海中游泳的精明的機會主義律師。

Modern building management and maintenance is not an amateurish pursuit . even for building owners who readily accept their responsibilities , going about the task could be daunting 現代的大廈管理維修是一門專業,即使業主覺得責無旁貸,執行起來也可能不知從何入手。

It could never be counted , how many times i closed down the browebsiteer without reading a single word , just because of the amateurish and clumsy look those websites had 曾經有很多次,在沒有瀏覽內容之前,我就關掉了瀏覽器,就是因為網站外觀設計業余、拙劣。

There was no career for him in literature . of that she was convinced . he had proved it to - day , with his amateurish and sophomoric productions 文學不是他的事業,對此她深信不疑,向他今天又已用他那些業余半生不熟的作品作了證明。

That was her final judgment on the story as a whole - amateurish , though she did not tell him so 作品那業余味兒給了她不愉快的印象。業余水平,這是她對整個小說的最后評價。

Nov 27th mcnair amateurish football team vs customers cct co . , ltd . amateurish football team 11月27日,邁科業余足球隊vs客戶公司足球隊

These things , when used improperly , lead to very amateurish looking websites 這些東西如果不能正確使用將會導致網站大失水準。

He said it was amateurish 他說這是業余水平

Research on training of amateurish all - round motion in ordinary university 普通高校業余全能運動訓練研究

Does this mean that the web design can look sloppy or amateurish 這是否意味著網頁設計草率或業余的可看

Rich and colorful amateurish life 豐富多彩的業余生活:

Besides my amateurish skill , the mental conditions vary too 除了技術不成熟之外,心理上也不同。

But the tone is amateurish and counterproductive 但是其言辭卻顯得業余而適得其反。