
amateur adj.愛好…的,業余的。 an amateur per...

“ dixie whiz kid lights up georgia amateur . “南方小英雄炒熱喬治亞業余賽”

The local composer and the amateur violinist were going to “tackle“ a violin sonata by some teutonic bore . 那位地方作曲家和業余小提琴手將“啃”一首一個日爾曼討厭鬼譜寫的小提琴奏鳴曲。


Your driver did pretty well , for an amateur 作為一名業余賽車手你的駕駛員開得很棒

You ' re just another amateur who choked in the clutch 你只是個緊張得發呆的業余車手

“ dixie whiz kid lights up georgia amateur . “南方小英雄炒熱喬治亞業余賽”

To be such a top prospect as an amateur 以一個業馀者的身份成為首選的候選人

- bunch of amateurs getting drunk . - yeah . yeah -一堆狂熱的家伙喝得醉醺醺的-對,對

Why is it , whenever i fail to stop this amateur . . 為何我每次阻擋這個業余選手失利

Comment on american amateur sports disputes arbitration 美國業余體育仲裁制度的啟示

The winner of the georgia state amateur championship . . 喬治亞洲業余賽冠軍…

A : so we ' d better sign up for amateur courses 嗯,咱們最好能報個業余興趣班。

To be such a top prospect as an amateur . . 以一個業馀者的身份成為首選的候選人. . .

Amateur thieves are aided by our carelessness 我們的粗心大意往往幫助了業余小偷。

Hell , most serious amateurs would do the same 見鬼,多數嚴肅的業余選手也能做到。

What , you amateurs are supposed to be helping me 什么,你們這些業余選手也想幫我?

Three former amateur champs , two ncaa champs . . 3位前業余冠軍2位美國大學冠軍

We did it . - what is this , amateur hour 我們成功了-這成什么了,業余電視臺?

You make bob stack look like an amateur , kent 你讓bob stack看起來像業余的, kent

The amateur orchestra played the national anthem 那支業余管弦樂隊演奏了國歌。