
amass vt.積累,積聚;收集。 amass great for...

“ the duplicity of events are amassing “ - franz beckenbauer on hamburg ' s problems “一連串不光彩的事情趕到一起了。 ” -弗朗茨?貝肯鮑爾談漢堡的問題。

Over the years solar physicists have amassed a large amount of data on “limb darkening“ as a function of wavelength . 多年來,太陽物理學家積累了“臨邊昏暗”作為波長函數的大量資料。


By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself and amassed gold and silver in your treasuries 4你靠自己的智慧聰明得了金銀財寶,收入庫中。

Research progress and developing orientation of chemical extraction technology of weathing crust strain amass - type rare earth ore 高穩定型稀土永磁起重吊的開發

Amass a jar of coins . bury them in your back yard . draw a treasure map and give it to a friend 收集一罐硬幣。將它們埋在你的后院,畫張藏寶圖并交給一個好友。

A new technology intensified by magnetic field for leaching of granitoid weathing crust strain amass - type rare earth ores 風化殼淋積型稀土礦磁場強化浸出工藝

The vast quantities of gold amassed by the pharaohs were the envy of contemporary and later sovereigns 法老王積聚了大量的黃金為同時代和后來的君主所羨慕。

China has also amassed the world s largest trade surplus and world s largest foreign exchange reserves 此外,中國擁有世界上最大的貿易順差和外匯儲備。

China has also amassed the world ' s largest trade surplus and world ' s largest foreign exchange reserves 此外,中國擁有世界上最大的貿易順差和外匯儲備。

“ the duplicity of events are amassing “ - franz beckenbauer on hamburg ' s problems “一連串不光彩的事情趕到一起了。 ” -弗朗茨?貝肯鮑爾談漢堡的問題。

Jacques , an art connoisseur , has amassed an art collection , but it will all be sold off 這天,來巴黎追夢的純真女孩無意間闖入所有人心房。

“ it ' s ok for me to amass a number of caps , but people forget about caps “能為國家隊打這么多比賽對我來說很棒,但是人們會忘記這些。

I amassed silver and gold for myself , and the treasure of kings and provinces 8我又為自己積蓄金銀,和君王的財寶,并各省的財寶。

The ukraine - born klitschko is a former world champion who has amassed a stellar ring record 烏克蘭出生的克里奇科是前世界冠軍。

Dear god , wrigley , how many cockamamie personal possessions do we have to amass - - 天哪賴利我們還有多少繁瑣的私人收藏要收集啊

Was an instant hit , amassing an avid readership in its three years of serialization 自小失去雙親的五歲小女孩凱迪由姨母照顧。

People tend to amass possessions , sometimes without being aware of doing so 人們喜歡收藏東西,有時并沒有意識到自己在這樣做。

Dear god , wrigley , how many cockamamie personal possessions do we have to amass - 天哪賴利我們還有多少繁瑣的私人收藏要收集啊

Earth does not require some initiate to amass a fortune to fulfill upon this 地球并不需要一些提升者聚集財富來完成這一目標。