
amaranth n.1.(傳說中的)不凋花。2.【植物;植物學】莧;〔A...


As we remember the curry rice mother , his grandmother ' s three - color amaranth kiss fish soup , or , have three years to the day after the school doors that home tofu shop floor , there are four parks adjacent to the most famous fruit ice 一如我們記得媽媽的咖喱飯、外婆的吻仔魚莧菜湯,或者是,曾經有三年必須天天經過了學校門拐角的那家豆腐花店,還有公園旁邊最有名的四果冰。

This is not so for other grains such as amaranth and quinoa that have been produced more frequently by organic farmers 但是對于其它谷物例如莧屬植物和昆諾阿藜(產于安第斯山脈地區,印第安人種植,食用其粟)卻并不如此,它們得到了更頻繁的有機種植。

Product description : dry food formula made with lamb , millet , amaranth , barley and brown rice . ideal for growing puppies , to maintain total health 配方使用羊,小米,莧,大麥和啡米而制成。使生長發育中的幼犬保持整體的健康。

Objective to study and compare photic stabilities among extracted black rice , amaranth and grape pigment from natural products 摘要目的從天然產物中提取黑米、莧菜紅、葡萄紅這三種花青素類色素,并比較它們的光穩定性。

Cucumber extract draws out impurities like air pollutants while the amaranth tea helps prevent color fading 黃瓜萃取成分凈化如空氣污染時殘留累積的不潔物質,粉紅莧花茶精華幫助發色避免過度潔清時的退色現象。

Iron is contained to more lucerne , spinach , cole , three - colored amaranth , shepherd ' s purse , day lily , tomato waits in greenery vegetable 綠葉蔬菜中含鐵多的有苜蓿、菠菜、油菜、莧菜、薺菜、黃花菜、番茄等。

Conclusion the black rice pigment is more stable than amaranth and grape pigments 結論黑米天然色素的光穩定性優于莧菜紅和葡萄紅天然色素。

The root exudation of grain amaranth and its role in release of mineral potassium 富鉀植物籽粒莧根系分泌物及其礦物釋鉀作用的研究

Food additive - amaranth 食品添加劑莧菜紅

Food additive amaranth aluminum lake 食品添加劑莧菜紅鋁色淀

Shows the colors between deep amaranth 酒液顏色呈現為深沉的紫紅色。