
amanita n.【植物;植物學】蛤蟆菌屬菌類。


The total toxins content in stipe was lower , whereas the volva had the lowest content of total toxins . the content of amanitoxins is always higher than the content of phallotoxins in any tissues of the four amanitas but a . phalloides . furthermore , the relative content of phallotoxins is inceasing from cap to stipe to volvain in the four lathel amanitas Phalloides外,在其它三種鵝膏菌中都是鵝膏毒肽類毒素的含量占優勢,而鬼筆毒肽類毒素的相對百分含量在這四種劇毒鵝膏菌中都是從菌蓋到菌柄到菌托依次增加。

2 . the content and distribution of the main amanitoxins and phallotoxins in three tissues ( cap , stipe and volva ) of the four lethel amanitas were evaluated . the result showed that the highest content of total tcxins was displayed in the pileus 對四種劇毒鵝膏菌不同部位的毒素分析表明:其毒素含量都是菌蓋中最高,在鵝膏毒肽與鬼筆毒肽兩類毒素中,除a

These four amanitas may regard as lathel amanitas . there are no any amatoxins of stardard samples in other fifteen species , and there are trace amatoxins in other ten species and the contents were about 19 另有10個種含有微量鵝膏毒肽,其含量在19 . 5 g g 151 . 2 g g之間,其它15個種未檢測到標樣中的任何毒素。

Curative effect analysis of several blood purification therapies on amanita verna poisoning 辛硫磷和氰戊菊酯混配農藥中毒致死1例分析