
amanda n.阿曼達〔女子名〕。


Amanda , you said you survived this , right 阿曼達,你說你成功脫險過?

Meanwhile , i ' m on my way to meet amanda 與此同時,我前去與阿曼妲相會

Amanda , do you want me to open the window ? 阿曼妲,你要我打開窗戶嗎?

[ amanda : ] i love doing it in hotels . it ' s so illicit 我喜歡在酒店里來,很有點偷情的感覺

Amanda : especially for a protest that he ' s leading 亞曼達:尤其這個抗議還是由他領導的。

[ amanda : ] where were you ? . we have theater tickets tonight 你去哪兒了?我們今晚要去劇院

In the . ? . no , amanda . everything is in there , okay ? 在. ?不,阿曼妲情況就是這樣,對嗎?

Hi , amanda . you remember nicole , right 嗨, amanda .你記得尼科爾,對嗎

This is amanda whurlitzer . she ' s your new pitcher 這位是阿曼達沃莉策她是你們的新投手

Amanda ? . amanda , i want to talk with you 阿曼妲?阿曼妲,我想和你談談

Amanda : where were you ? . we have theater tickets tonight 你去哪兒了?我們今晚要去劇院

Amanda : i love doing it in hotels . it ' s so illicit 我喜歡在酒店里來,很有點偷情的感覺

I was an interior decorator . tell him , amanda 我可是個家居布置的大行家告訴他,阿曼妲

- amanda , could i talk to you ? . - hold on 阿曼妲,我可以和你談嗎?等等!

Oh , gloria , i ' d likeyou to meet my new friend , amanda 格洛麗亞,這是我的新朋友阿曼達

We recently learned that amanda armstrong . . 我們最近得知,學校的護士. .

I ' m so happy to hear this , amanda ! really 阿曼妲!聽到這些我真是太高興了

I say this because it was the first time since meeting amanda 這是自從我認識阿曼妲后

Come on , amanda , just a few games , please 拜托,阿曼達就幾場比賽,好嗎?