
amalgamation n.1.【冶金】汞合,汞齊化。2.混,合并。3.〔美國〕...


A summary of the study on enterprises amalgamation motive by western mainstream economics 西方主流經濟學對企業并購動機的研究綜述

Industrial amalgamation : a realistic path choice of the development of service industry in shenzhen 深圳服務業發展的現實路徑選擇

Analysis of tax concerned matters of enterprise amalgamation and its accounting treatments 企業合并涉稅問題剖析和會計處理分析

The development of decision theory and its amalgamation into the mainstream of economics 決策理論的發展及其與經濟學主流的融合

Amalgamation of the ranks of assistant superintendent of posts and superintendent of posts 助理郵務主任與郵務主任職級的合并

Expand the industrial amalgamation : an analysis of the dominant factors and the basic conditions 主導因素及基礎條件分析上

Calculation of the weights and the amalgamation of the matrixes in ahp group decision 中群決策權重的確定與判斷矩陣的合并

Characteristics of enterprise amalgamation of japan before and after its entry into gatt 入關前后日本企業并購的特點分析

Images and amalgamation - giddens ' reconstruction of the modernity ' s theoretical paradigm 吉登斯對現代性理論范式的重建

Looking at the situation of multicultural amalgamation from cultural dissemination 從文化的傳播看多元文化交融的態勢

The process in the development industrial amalgamation and its basic signification 產業融合拓展化的過程及其基本含義

S . d . co . , ltd . for the amalgamation of that company with this 我公司董事被授權與s . d .股份有限公司進行有關合并的交涉。

The new company was formed by the amalgamation of two smaller businesses 這家新公司是由兩個較小的企業融合而成的。

D - s theory is often used in info - amalgamation and data processing 證據理論廣泛應用于信息融合、數據處理等領域。

The proposed amalgamation of the two institutes has mow fallen through 這兩個研究所打算合并的事現在已經落空了。

The amalgamation of the confucian ethic morals and the chinese traditional law 儒家倫理道德與中國傳統法律的融合

A comparative study on the accounting treatment procedures in business amalgamation 企業合并的會計處理方法比較

The necessity neo - confucianism ' s transformation to pluralistic amalgamation 當代新儒家向多元融和型轉化的必然性

The amalgamation of colleges and the conformity of educational resources 有關學科發展與教育經濟增長的博弈分析