
amalgamate vt.,vi.1.【冶金】使(金屬)與水銀混合,使(金屬...


In case the probability to obtain coronary heart disease when amalgamating hypertension moreover be able to remarkbly add 如果同時合并高血壓時得冠心病的可能性就會顯著增加。

Some enterprises should either close down , suspend operation , be amalgamated with others , switch to other products , or cut production 某些企業要關,停,并,轉,或者減少生產任務

Fever , epigastric pain , icterus and respiratory distress - sever infection of biliary tract amalgamated with multiple organs function syndrome 膽道重癥感染并多器官功能障礙綜合征

The members decided to amalgamate the tennis club with the cricket club , forming one combined sports club 會員們決定把網球俱樂部和板球俱樂部合并,組成一個聯合體育俱樂部。

Amalgamated union of highways , drainage services , civil engineering territory development departments ' engineering staff 路政署渠務署土木工程署及拓展署工程人員合并工會

In terms of simplification , is there scope to amalgamate existing grades within broader occupational categories 在精簡工作方面,可否把現有職系合并為多個較大的職業類別?

Amalgamated trading company . it ' s swiss . don ' t you think working at a foreign company would be glamorous 綜合貿易公司,是一家瑞士公司。你不認為在外企工作很神氣嗎?

Do one ' s best to construct amalgamate with hill body ; insist on top to keep its original ecology environment 建筑力求與山體相互融合堅持最大限度保持原有的生態環境。

Research on the accounting of offsetting provision for devalued assets in preparing amalgamated financial statements 合并會計報表編制中資產減值準備抵銷的處理

Introducing one example to analyse the direction on the contemporary low - rise amalgamated dwelling in europe 通過一個實例分析歐洲當代低層集合住宅發展趨勢

Study of the current situation of p . e . human resources in amalgamated univeristies and some solutions to it 合并高校體育教育人力資源整合現狀及對策研究

United industries ; the amalgamated colleges constituted a university ; a consolidated school 合并的工廠;合并的學院組成了一所綜合的大學;聯合學校。

Transitional mode choice and system design of chinese financial industry ' s amalgamating management 中國金融業走向混業經營的過渡模式選擇與制度設計

Military cooperation between anti - japanese amalgamated army of the northeast and soviet union far east army 東北抗日聯軍與蘇聯遠東軍的軍事合作

Census statistics department field officers statistics supervisors amalgamated association 政府統計處外勤統計職員及統計督促主任合并協會

Analysis of the mechanism of enterprises amalgamating on the base of dissipative structure theory 基于耗散結構理論的企業并購機理分析

A comparative study of transnational amalgamate and intellectual alliance of international bank 國際銀行跨國并購與知識聯盟的比較研究

The two firms are amalgamating to increase productivity and save running costs 兩家公司正在進行合并,以提高生產率和節約營運成本。

What scope is there to amalgamate existing grades within broader occupational categories 能否根據范圍較廣的職位類別合并現行職級?