
amain adv.〔古、詩〕1.全力地。2.全速地。3.突然地,急...


The company had forgotten him , and he was having all the trouble in the world to raise himself out of his two armchairs , for he was howling amain and calling for that cat of a simonne , who had slipped off with the rest 他使盡全身力氣才從兩張扶手椅上站起來,一邊咒罵,一邊呼喚無用的西蒙娜,她居然不聲不響地與別人溜走了。于是女人們都跑過來,對他都很同情。

The company syncretizes the advanced administration idea and the scientific managing way duriing the whole working flow , and amain implements iso9001 , 2000 quality control system and iso14000 environmental management system 公司將先進的管理理念、科學的管理方法融貫于整個企業的營運流程中,全力推行iso9001 ; 2000質量管理體系及iso14000環境管理體系。

On the base of systematic background analysis , this thesis points it out that construction ' s total contract pattern will be amain contract - pattern of domestic building - market as before 本論文在系統的背景分析基礎上,指出施工總承包模式依然是國內建筑市場主要的承發包模式。

She sang it with a chaste reserve so full of sprightly suggestiveness that the public warmed amain 她唱時神態拘謹而靦腆,拘謹中是那樣充滿輕佻的暗示,以至全場觀眾都活躍起來。