
amah n.(東方國家的)保姆,女仆,阿媽。


Angie was left on her own most of the time under the care of an old amah . fong had a crush on fellow classmate cheung , who in turn was attracted to angie . though angie was not unattracted to cheung , she found out about fong s infatuation and refused to date cheung . . 其實家明自認識了angie便欲追求,而angie礙于家明是天慧的男朋友,只有婉拒約會,寂寞的angie遇上了各種不幸,終走了自暴自棄的不歸途,就在天慧畢晚會那天

An old gothic vicarage , a two - storey brick structure , was built in 1909 , with the donation from sir paul chater . the quarters for the amahs and the caretakers were subsequently constructed around 1910 牧師樓是用磚砌成的兩層高歌德式建筑物,同樣由遮打爵士捐贈,在1909年落成。女傭及管理員宿舍于1910年左右興建。

No one i know is in a commune or knows anybody who is in one , with the exception of a cantonese amah who went back to sweep the graves this spring 我認識的人里面沒有在人民公社的,他們也不認識在公社的人,除了一個廣東阿媽,她家里人歸公社管。

One day , a sudden thunderstorm swept through and turned the woman and her baby into the now well - known amah rock 一天,婦人背著小孩如常在山上等候丈夫歸來,忽然雷電大作,風雨交加。

Having heard of the food shortage , the amah brought in a bit of cooking oil and salted fish of her own use 阿媽事先聽說那邊食物短缺,就帶了一點食用油和咸魚回去,準備自用。

The answer is the sharp - shooter is catching firebuy in mosquito net with a little amah ! ! 答曰:狙擊手正在蚊帳里和小保姆一起捉螢火蟲! !

You took advantage of the trust these children placed in you as their ex - amah 你利用孩子們因你是他們的前度褓姆,對你信任而犯案。

Central to the book ? and to his early life ? was his amah , yi jieh 他的奶媽伊潔(音譯)是他的早年生活的中心,也是這本書的中心。