
am AM = amplitude modulation 調輻...

This state has been named “premunition“ . 這種狀態稱為“傳染免疫”。


Our new manager is very easy to get on with . 我們的新經理非常隨和。

They were strolling up and down the veranda . 他們在走廊上來回徜徉。

Then it is often called survivor growth . 為此,常稱它為生存木生長。

Several soldiers were decorated for bravery . 數名士兵因英勇而獲獎。

Last-minute doubts were assailing her . 最后一分鐘中的猶豫涌上心頭。

The inactive components are important too . 非活性的成分也是重要的。

We were bogged down by overwork . 過分繁重的工作已經使我們陷入困境。

This state has been named “premunition“ . 這種狀態稱為“傳染免疫”。

What is the speed limit on the motorway ? 高速公路的速度限制是多少?

This is the catch in designing planes . 這是在設計飛機中的棘手難題。

There are three exposures left on this film . 這個膠卷剩下三張沒拍。

Many lives have been saved by surgery . 施行外科手術拯救了許多生命。

The drawer is so tight that i can't open it . 這抽屜太緊,我打不開。

Whom do you think i am rooming with ? 你知道我和誰正同住一套房間嗎?

I should be ashamed to show my face in public . 我不好意思拋頭露面。

The races can be further subdivided . 這些生理小種還可以進一步再分。

The man in the street is opposed to this idea . 老百姓反對這種想法。

There are several possible explanations . 存在著幾種合乎情理的解釋。