
always adv.1.永遠,始終。2.經常,老是,總是,一直。3....


They always clean these things thoroughly . 他們總是徹底清洗這些東西。

Oh, this is always the frightful hour ! 呵,一天中數現在最難度過!

I always said she was an awful fool . 我一直就說她是十足的糊涂蟲。

In trouble he is always buoyant . 在困難的時候,他總是精神振作的。

I had always been a kind of spendthrift . 我這人向來都有點兒揮金如土。

She is always bashful among strangers . 她和生人在一起,總是忸忸怩怩。

Penbury always had a chilling effect . 彭伯里總是起著使人掃興的作用。

He always keeps several cases of wine in store . 他總是備有幾箱酒。

He was always amazed by her confidence . 他常常對她的自信驚嘆不已。

Henry was always opposed to these meetings . 亨利老是反對這樣的會晤。

They always arrive at parties empty-handed . 他們總是空著手參加聚會。

He always tackles problems straight away . 總是一有問題就馬上處理。

We've always been honest with each other . 我們以前一直是推心置腹的。

I'm always open to a good idea . 我對于良好的意見一向是樂于接受的。

The child has always been frighten of the dark ... 這孩子一直怕黑暗。

I always said he would wind up in jail . 我常說他到頭來非進監獄不可。

The victor always plundered the vanquished . 戰勝國總是掠奪戰敗國。

That teacher has always had it in for me . 那位老師總想跟我過不去。

Whatever you do , he 'll always try to go one better . 他總想勝過你。