
alway adv.〔古、詩〕 = always.

The paper alway take into account the special background of socialist market economy and makes an analysis on the ethic requirements which are caused by socialist market economy . finally , it buts forward several counter measures on enhancing construction of civil servants “ ethics , so that we can keep up with the epoch 最后,文章在論述過程中,始終以社會主義市場經濟為特定背景,分析了社會主義市場經濟對公務員道德的倫理性要求,與時俱進地提出了公務員道德建設的對策。

Why i alway write english logs cuz i love english much , ' n absolutlly it ' s good oppotunite to excisice my english . but there is no doubt that i ' m a patriot , the guys who understand me will prove that , obviously it ' s none business with “ blindly worshiping foreign things “ 之所以我總是寫英語日志是我熱愛英語,當然這也是一個練習英語的好機會,但是毫無疑問我是個愛國者,那些了解我的家伙可以證明,這顯然和崇洋媚外無關

With the stratage of “ customer comes first , excellent quality , alway optimization “ , we will offer you the professional , quality , credit swiftly , satisfyingly 我們將秉承“客戶第一、品質卓越、精益求精”的經營理念,以專業、品質、誠信為保證,更快、更好的為您服務

Halh mongolians were the strongest and brave mongolians and alway went to war in the first place to protect mongolia . “ halh “ means “ shield “ 喀爾喀蒙古人是最強大和勇敢的蒙古人,而且他們在戰場中總是第一個去保護蒙古.喀爾喀意味著保衛者


For the unhappy pilgrim herself there was very good reason . but how could this admirable and poetic man ever have descended into the valley of humiliation , have felt with the man of uz - as she herself had felt two or three years ago - my soul chooseth strangling and death rather than my life . i loathe it ; i would not live alway 對她這樣一個苦命的朝圣者來說,這樣想自有充足的理由,可是他那樣一個讓人羨慕和富有詩意的人,怎么會掉進恥屏谷中呢,怎么也會有烏茲老人一樣的感情呢他的感覺就同她兩三年前的感覺一樣“我寧愿上吊,寧愿死去,也不愿活著。

The paper alway take into account the special background of socialist market economy and makes an analysis on the ethic requirements which are caused by socialist market economy . finally , it buts forward several counter measures on enhancing construction of civil servants “ ethics , so that we can keep up with the epoch 最后,文章在論述過程中,始終以社會主義市場經濟為特定背景,分析了社會主義市場經濟對公務員道德的倫理性要求,與時俱進地提出了公務員道德建設的對策。

Financial globalization prompts competition , improves the running efficiency , however , which also intensifies the relationship and direct interconnections / linkages among financial institutions , tools and markets . this phenomenon rapidly increases the international risk of a chain reaction of financial crisis , and the growth of approach , opportunity and velocity of financial risk exposures alway s make a country ' s bank crises spread to a larger district , even all over the world 而金融全球化在促進金融機構之間的競爭,提高銀行業運行效率的同時,也加強了金融機構、金融工具以及金融市場之間的相互聯系和相互依賴性,極大地增加了金融風險跨國傳遞和金融危機的國際傳播途徑、機會和速率,使得一國的銀行危機往往發展為某一區域的金融危機,影響范圍和危機成本不斷擴大。

Why i alway write english logs cuz i love english much , ' n absolutlly it ' s good oppotunite to excisice my english . but there is no doubt that i ' m a patriot , the guys who understand me will prove that , obviously it ' s none business with “ blindly worshiping foreign things “ 之所以我總是寫英語日志是我熱愛英語,當然這也是一個練習英語的好機會,但是毫無疑問我是個愛國者,那些了解我的家伙可以證明,這顯然和崇洋媚外無關

Thou therefore , and thy sons , and thy servants , shall till the land for him , and thou shalt bring in the fruits , that thy master ' s son may have food to eat : but mephibosheth thy master ' s son shall eat bread alway at my table 撒下9 : 10你和你的眾子、仆人、要為你主人的兒子米非波設耕種田地、把所產的拿來供他食用他卻要常與我同席吃飯。

10 thou therefore , and thy sons , and thy servants , shall till the land for him , and thou shalt bring in the fruits , that thy master ' s son may have food to eat : but mephibosheth thy master ' s son shall eat bread alway at my table 10你和你的眾子、仆人、要為你主人的兒子米非波設耕種田地、把所產的拿來供他食用他卻要常與我同席吃飯。

Live canadian seafood will also be on display and these alway attract large crowds of onlookers . wine has been produced in canada for more than one hundred years Vih旗下經加拿大認證的航機搭載力可達5公噸以上,目前值勤于和平村,主要在交通不便的山區運輸工程建材。

I cannot help but introduce my blog , especially to those even disable to leave messages guys . u alway say that , there was english every where , what do u wanna me see 我不得不介紹一下我的博客,特別是對那些連留言都不會的家伙.你們總是說,啊啊,都是英文,你想讓我看什么啊

And unto his son will i give one tribe , that david my servant may have a light alway before me in jerusalem , the city which i have chosen me to put my name there 36還留一個支派給他的兒子,使我仆人大衛在我所選擇立我名的耶路撒冷城里,在我面前長有燈光。

With the stratage of “ customer comes first , excellent quality , alway optimization “ , we will offer you the professional , quality , credit swiftly , satisfyingly 我們將秉承“客戶第一、品質卓越、精益求精”的經營理念,以專業、品質、誠信為保證,更快、更好的為您服務

The message will be semi - random but will alway contain one of the following two types ( either english or spanish ) as first sentence of the message and last sentence 內文的第一句和最后一句多由下列兩項(英文或西班牙文)中隨機選出一項。

Halh mongolians were the strongest and brave mongolians and alway went to war in the first place to protect mongolia . “ halh “ means “ shield “ 喀爾喀蒙古人是最強大和勇敢的蒙古人,而且他們在戰場中總是第一個去保護蒙古.喀爾喀意味著保衛者

The drive chuck and top sub are threaded into the cylinder with right - hand threads . the drill must be alway soperated with right - hand rotation 因為沖擊器的接頭和接頭都是右旋螺紋,所以鉆進工作過程中,應始終保持沖擊器右回旋。

Yet the lord would not destroy judah for david his servant ' s sake , as he promised him to give him alway a light , and to his children 19耶和華卻因他仆人大衛的緣故,仍不肯滅絕猶大,照他所應許大衛的話,永遠賜燈光與他的子孫。

Now it ' s pretty clear , with t - mac , we just can ' t pass the first round . tmac not a fighter , alway plays subpar in critical games 事實很清楚了,有麥蒂在隊里,我們就別想過首輪。麥蒂不是個斗士,他總是在關鍵的比賽中發揮失常。