
alvine adj.1.小腸的;腸的。2.腹部的。

Time grew , the adjustment that can bring about pallium again the function is disorder , parasympathetic nerve centre is met “ seize the opportunity “ come out from the disengagement below the control of pallium , stimulant increase , the alvine path exercise that gets it to control is accelerated , patient occurrence diarrhoea ; this nerve excitement is too long , but because of “ fatigue “ and ebb gradually and turn to restrain , alvine path muscle also comes down flabbily slowly , peristalsis is abate , the result causes constipation again 時間長了,又可導致大腦皮層的調節功能紊亂,副交感神經中樞便會“乘機”從大腦皮層的控制下解脫出來,興奮性增強,受它支配的腸道運動加快,病人出現腹瀉;該神經興奮過久,可因“疲憊”而逐漸衰退并轉為抑制,腸道肌肉也就慢慢地松弛下來,蠕動減弱,結果又引起便秘。

I am apt to recently little stomach an angina next have loose bowels , and go up gas , keep exhaust , lie on the bed in the evening especially , can feel the position that feels bowel rouses a packet , particularly afflictive , the doctor says i am alvine function disorder , i eat now “ li zhu bowel is happy “ a week , angina was solved , other did not see how old the effect , i want to ask the year before last year i made alvine looking glass , have the possibility of the adhesion that get bowel , is my symptom resembled unlike 我最近動不動就小肚子一陣絞痛然后拉肚子,而且漲氣,不停地排氣,非凡是晚上躺在床上,能感到摸到腸的位置鼓起小包,非凡難受,醫生說我是腸功能紊亂,我現在吃“麗珠腸樂”一個星期了,絞痛解決了,其他的沒見多大效果,我想問前年我做了腸鏡,是不是有得腸粘連的可能性,我的癥狀象不象?


Rectum cancer often is gland cancer , its incidence of a disease is very high , seize the whole body 15 % of malignant tumor , the male is next to cancer of the stomach , female second at uterine cancer ; in the malignant tumor of enteron , it is next to cancer of the stomach and reside the 2nd , the malignant tumor in alvine path has 75 80 % happen in rectum and colon , have 70 among them 80 % happen in anus canal , rectum , rectum and boundary of second shape colon , rectum cancer has 80 90 % happen in place of the 2 / 3 below anal , the predestined relationship that be apart from anus 10 centimeters of less than 直腸癌常為腺癌,其發病率很高,占全身惡性腫瘤的15 % ,男性僅次于胃癌,女性次于子宮癌;在消化道的惡性腫瘤中,它僅次于胃癌而居第二位,腸道中的惡性腫瘤有75 80 %發生在直腸和結腸,其中有70 80 %發生在肛管、直腸、直腸與乙狀結腸交界處,直腸癌有80 90 %發生在直腸的下2 / 3處,距肛緣10厘米以內。

Time grew , the adjustment that can bring about pallium again the function is disorder , parasympathetic nerve centre is met “ seize the opportunity “ come out from the disengagement below the control of pallium , stimulant increase , the alvine path exercise that gets it to control is accelerated , patient occurrence diarrhoea ; this nerve excitement is too long , but because of “ fatigue “ and ebb gradually and turn to restrain , alvine path muscle also comes down flabbily slowly , peristalsis is abate , the result causes constipation again 時間長了,又可導致大腦皮層的調節功能紊亂,副交感神經中樞便會“乘機”從大腦皮層的控制下解脫出來,興奮性增強,受它支配的腸道運動加快,病人出現腹瀉;該神經興奮過久,可因“疲憊”而逐漸衰退并轉為抑制,腸道肌肉也就慢慢地松弛下來,蠕動減弱,結果又引起便秘。

The tall danger crowd of third hepatitis is the person that point to to blood often is exposed outside alvine path , the person that if medicaments is abused inside hemophiliac , vein , become addiction , blood is dialytic patient of surgery of patient , marrow and kidney transplant patient , heart and the patient that often inject via the skin 丙型肝炎的高危人群是指經常腸道外暴露血液者,如血友病患者、靜脈內濫用藥物成癮者、血液透析患者、骨髓和腎移植患者、心外科患者以及經常經皮注射的患者。

I am apt to recently little stomach an angina next have loose bowels , and go up gas , keep exhaust , lie on the bed in the evening especially , can feel the position that feels bowel rouses a packet , particularly afflictive , the doctor says i am alvine function disorder , i eat now “ li zhu bowel is happy “ a week , angina was solved , other did not see how old the effect , i want to ask the year before last year i made alvine looking glass , have the possibility of the adhesion that get bowel , is my symptom resembled unlike 我最近動不動就小肚子一陣絞痛然后拉肚子,而且漲氣,不停地排氣,非凡是晚上躺在床上,能感到摸到腸的位置鼓起小包,非凡難受,醫生說我是腸功能紊亂,我現在吃“麗珠腸樂”一個星期了,絞痛解決了,其他的沒見多大效果,我想問前年我做了腸鏡,是不是有得腸粘連的可能性,我的癥狀象不象?

Its are small person , only visible at the apophysis in mucous membrane , big person can be bigger and the tumour that bears the base of a fruit , but inside irruptive bowel antrum , can fluctuate inside alvine antrum mobile , if be located in rectum bottom , still but outside emergence anus 其小者,只可見于在粘膜的隆起,大者則可為較大且帶蒂的腫瘤,可突入腸腔內,并可在腸腔內上下移動,若位于直腸下部,還可脫出肛門外。

Colonic convulsion continues to deepen , alvine path wriggles answer increase , defecate frequency , turn again by constipation for diarrhoea , from this go round and round 結腸的痙攣繼續加深,腸道蠕動又復增強,大便頻數,由便秘又轉為腹瀉,由此周而復始。

Had made alvine looking glass , without other condition 做過腸鏡,無其他情況。