
alveolus n.(pl. -li )1.蜂窩;小窩。2.【解剖學】齒...

While cortical alveoli discharge in batches , the plasma membrane has been reorganized time after time . spermaster “ elongate and traction , and cytoplasm “ flowage make the male pronucleus and the female pronucleus conjugate )十物’ i :他地仰排原核紀合是精人己光擴悵、引和細w質流動兒d 。


I am a company ' s staff member , i like early nine late five lives , after gets off work i to be willing to stay in mine alveolus cleans upthe room , i compare the attenion family life quality , the flowergrowing am when my joyful . rest may the approximately very good friendgo for a walk in the countryside at the qingming festival . you to bewilling to enjoy the life together with me 真情告白我是一個公司的職員,我喜歡早九晚五的生活,下班后我愿意呆在我的小窩里清理房間,我比較注重家庭生活質量,養花是我的快樂休息時可以約上好朋友去踏青你愿意和我一起享受生活嗎?

Cortical reaction comprises latent period , developmental period , climactic period and declining period . about 35s after fertilization , a few cortical alveoli begin to discharge from the low - latitudes of the animal hemisphere , later , the same pross happens in the near of micropylar apparatus , and then cortical reaction extends to the animal hemisphere and the vegetal hemisphere 皮層反應可分為潛伏期、發展期、高潮期、衰退期, 20s開始于動物極低緯度區,稍后出現在精孔器前庭附近,隨后在這兩個始發區向四周擴散。

The detecting and measuring instrument used for detecting and measuring surface tension by means of bio - solution and sense finding methods at moving conditions is developed in order to detect and measure surface tension adsorptive ratio and diffusivity of the active substance of the alveolus surface and other life - forms . the alveolus burned by breath in the high temperature condition or damnified with serious sickness will destroy the active substance of the alveolus surface . detecting and measuring surface tension of the active substance of the alveolus surface and other life - forms can help us determine the extent of pathological changes or damnification of the alveolus or other apparatus which can produce the active substance . lt is the research problem of the modern times medicine 生物液智能表面張力動態測試儀是為測試肺泡肺液表面活性物質的表面張力、吸附率和擴散率以及其它生物液的表面張力而研制的。高溫條件下通過呼吸而燒傷肺部,或者因某些嚴重的疾病而損傷肺部都將會破壞肺部表面活性物質。通過測試肺泡或其它生物液表面活性物的表面張力,可以幫助我們測定肺泡或其它產生活性物質的器官病變損傷的程度。

I am a company ' s staff member , i like early nine late five lives , after gets off work i to be willing to stay in mine alveolus cleans upthe room , i compare the attenion family life quality , the flowergrowing am when my joyful . rest may the approximately very good friendgo for a walk in the countryside at the qingming festival . you to bewilling to enjoy the life together with me 我是一個公司的職員,我喜歡早九晚五的生活,下班后我愿意呆在我的小窩里清理房間,我比較注重家庭生活質量,養花是我的快樂休息時可以約上好朋友去踏青你愿意和我一起享受生活嗎

If they have refractory hypoxemia ( low oxygen saturation that does not respond to oxygen delivered by face mask ) , the ventilator will allow higher concentrations of fio2 to be delivered to the alveoli , and pressure can be delivered through the ventilator to open alveoli that have collapsed 如果病人有難治性低氧血癥(低氧飽和度,面罩供氧無效) ,呼吸機就可以將高濃度的吸入氧輸送到肺泡,并通過呼吸機輸送的壓力張開塌陷的肺泡。

Does not ask you to have the outstandingly talented natural semblance , only asks you to have a sincere heart ; does not ask your family property great ealth , only strives for to be able to give me a peaceful alveolus ; i use the filled with enthusiasm to wait for your arrival 不求你有英俊瀟灑的外表,只求你有一顆真誠的心;不求你家財萬貫,只求能給我一個安樂的小窩;我用滿腔的熱情等待你的到來

The structure of our respiratory system is like the branching pattern of a tree . the trachea as the main airway divides into smaller and smaller branches , and the smallest branches end up with small air sacs called alveoli 呼吸系統的結構好像一棵樹,氣管如樹干般分支,愈分愈小,直至在最小的支氣管末梢形成彷如氣囊的肺氣泡。

Success of the operation is decided by the properties of bonding materials , assistant fixed prepartions and the healing pattern of the implant reattached tooth in the alveolus socket 影響斷牙再接術成功的主要因素有黏結材料的性能,再接時采用的輔助固位方式,若為根折尚包括再接牙植入牙槽窩內的愈合形式等。

The stature not high bride may choose the skirt to suspend the not too long small awning skirt , either chooses and the full alveolus assumes the a character tailor the straight body nuptial dress 太長太蓬的裙擺,會令新娘顯得個子很矮。個子不高的新娘可以挑選裙擺不太長的小篷裙,要么就選及足踝呈

While cortical alveoli discharge in batches , the plasma membrane has been reorganized time after time . spermaster “ elongate and traction , and cytoplasm “ flowage make the male pronucleus and the female pronucleus conjugate )十物’ i :他地仰排原核紀合是精人己光擴悵、引和細w質流動兒d 。

Your lungs will become less elastic , the lung capacity will decrease , the gaseous exchange function of the alveoli will decrease . all these will reduce the power of exercise in elderly people 肺和氣管亦會退化,肺容量降低,肺的彈性減低,肺氣泡之呼吸功能減退等,造成老年人的運動能力降低。

2 . cells secreting 5 - ht appeared in 16 - day fetuses and most of them rest in the epithelium of the primitive alveoli . most of these cells were round or oblate in shape and often have a long process Ht陽性細胞出現于胚16日,主要位于原始肺泡壁內,以球形和扁平形多見,很多細胞有一較長的突起。

There are 1 to 4 rows and five types of cortical alveoli in the cortex of hemibarbus labco . egg from inner to outer of the cortex , the diameter of cortical alveoli decreases gradually 皮層小泡1 - 4層,在光鏡和透射電鏡下均具5種形態,由外及內,小泡內顆粒的直徑逐漸減少。

This is normal lung microscopically . the alveolar walls are thin and delicate . the alveoli are well - aerated and contain only an occasional pulmonary macrophage ( type ii pneumonocyte ) 正常肺顯微鏡顯示肺泡壁比較薄弱。肺泡內充滿空氣,有肺巨噬細胞( ii型上皮細胞) 。

Drawings of compound tubulo - alveolar glands - - showing the branching of their duct system - - and a few secretory end - pieces ( alveoli ) . ducts and alveoli are lined with epithelium 復管泡狀腺模式圖- -圖示分支管道系統- -和幾個分泌部(腺泡) 。導管和腺泡均襯以上皮。

Most of the cgrp positive cells in 16 - day fetuses were round or oval in shape , and usually rest on the basement membrane of epithelium and the primitive alveoli 胚16日組陽性細胞呈單個球形或卵圓形,分布中文摘要于肺內支氣管上皮基部和原始肺泡壁內。

Refreshing acidity and pleasing scent make the sparking wine comparatively balanceable . it tastes abundant , the alveoli is indissoluble and delicate 特色:爽口的酸度、怡人的果香構成了本款氣泡酒相當平衡的酒體,口感圓潤豐美,氣泡持久細膩。

At high magnification , the alveoli in this lung are filled with a smooth to slightly floccular pink material characteristic for pulmonary edema 高倍鏡顯示,肺泡內充滿表面光滑并且泡沫狀粉紅色物質,這是肺水腫的特征。