
alva n.阿爾瓦〔男子名,女子名〕。

“ we are speaking about an archaeological object of the utmost historical and aesthetical importance , one of the most important ornaments of the ancient peruvian cultures , “ said walter alva , director of the royal tombs of sipan museum in peru 秘魯西潘皇家陵墓博物館負責人沃爾特阿爾巴說: “我們目前所談論的這件出土文物在歷史和美學方面的價值重大,它是古代秘魯文化中最為重要的裝飾物之一。 ”

“ we are speaking about an archaeological object of the utmost historical and aesthetical importance , one of the most important ornaments of the ancient peruvian cultures , “ said walter alva , director of the royal tombs of sipan museum in peru 秘魯西潘皇家陵墓博物館負責人沃爾特?阿爾巴說: “我們目前所談論的這件出土文物在歷史和美學方面的價值重大,它是古代秘魯文化中最為重要的裝飾物之一。 ”

“ no ornament of similar quality can be found in any peruvian museum and it is inconceivable that such an important part of national treasure is out of our country , “ alva said in a statement 阿爾巴在一份聲明中表示: “目前,秘魯國內的任何一家博物館里都無法找到具有類似品質的裝飾物,而且實在不能想象如此重要的一件國寶長期流落在海外。 ”

“ no ornament of similar quality can be found in any peruvian museum and it is inconceivable that such an important part of national treasure is out of our country , “ alva said in a statement 阿爾巴在一份聲明中表示: “目前,秘魯國內的任何一家博物館里都無法找到具有類似品質的裝飾物,而且實在不能想象如此重要的一件國寶長期流落在海外。 ”

Thomas alva edison also knew the value of “ half waking “ states 托馬斯?埃爾瓦?愛迪生也懂得“半醒”狀態的價值。

Thomas alva edison also knew the value of “ half waking “ states 托馬斯?愛迪生也知道“半清醒”狀態的價值。


“ we are speaking about an archaeological object of the utmost historical and aesthetical importance , one of the most important ornaments of the ancient peruvian cultures , “ said walter alva , director of the royal tombs of sipan museum in peru 秘魯西潘皇家陵墓博物館負責人沃爾特阿爾巴說: “我們目前所談論的這件出土文物在歷史和美學方面的價值重大,它是古代秘魯文化中最為重要的裝飾物之一。 ”

“ we are speaking about an archaeological object of the utmost historical and aesthetical importance , one of the most important ornaments of the ancient peruvian cultures , “ said walter alva , director of the royal tombs of sipan museum in peru 秘魯西潘皇家陵墓博物館負責人沃爾特?阿爾巴說: “我們目前所談論的這件出土文物在歷史和美學方面的價值重大,它是古代秘魯文化中最為重要的裝飾物之一。 ”

“ no ornament of similar quality can be found in any peruvian museum and it is inconceivable that such an important part of national treasure is out of our country , “ alva said in a statement 阿爾巴在一份聲明中表示: “目前,秘魯國內的任何一家博物館里都無法找到具有類似品質的裝飾物,而且實在不能想象如此重要的一件國寶長期流落在海外。 ”

“ no ornament of similar quality can be found in any peruvian museum and it is inconceivable that such an important part of national treasure is out of our country , “ alva said in a statement 阿爾巴在一份聲明中表示: “目前,秘魯國內的任何一家博物館里都無法找到具有類似品質的裝飾物,而且實在不能想象如此重要的一件國寶長期流落在海外。 ”

Peruvian archaeologist walter alva excavated one of the most famous moche sites , the royal tombs of sip n , in 1987 under a grant from the national geographic society 1987年,在國家地理的資助下,秘魯考古學家沃爾特?艾娃發掘了莫奇文明的一個最著名的遺址,西遍皇族墓室。

Tony alva went on to become skateboarding ' s first world champion . he runs alva skates and sells his products around the world 托尼?艾爾瓦成為了滑板的第一個世界冠軍他開了艾爾瓦滑板公司全世界都有他的產品銷售

Thomas alva edison is remembered most for the electric light , his phonograph and his work with motion pictures 人們都記得托馬斯.阿爾瓦.愛迪生發明了電燈、留聲機以及對動態圖像發展所做的貢獻。

Thomas alva edison was born on february eleventh , eighteen - forty - seven in the small town of milan , ohio 1847年2月11日,托馬斯.阿爾瓦.愛迪生出生在俄亥俄州米蘭的一個小鎮。

If you don ' t learn to think when you are young , you may never learn thomas alva edison 如果你年輕時沒有學會思考,那就永遠學不會思考托馬斯?阿爾瓦?愛迪生。

Thomas alva edison was a man of wonderful ability who had the good luck to be born at a good time 托媽斯.阿爾法.愛迪生是一位誕生在好時代里的天才人物。

Thomas alva edison also knew the value of “ half waking “ states 托馬斯?埃爾瓦?愛迪生也懂得“半醒”狀態的價值。

Thomas alva edison also knew the value of “ half waking “ states 托馬斯?愛迪生也知道“半清醒”狀態的價值。

The nobel peace prize : alva myrdal 諾貝爾和平獎-阿爾瓦繆達爾