
alunite n.明礬石。


Theproduction an d requirement status of potassium sulfat e at home and abroad was introducedin brief . the advantage and disadvantage of mirabilite method , alunite co mprehensiveutilization method , mannheim method and associated replacement method , which are beingused i n the production of potassium aulfate in china , are introduced and analyzedemphatically . the views on t he development of potassium sulfate industry in china areput foward by the author 簡要介紹了國內外硫酸鉀生產及需求現狀,重點介紹和分析了我國目前應用的芒硝法、明礬石礦綜合利用法、曼海姆法和締置法的優缺點,并對我國硫酸鉀工業今后的發展提出了自己的看法。

For thirty years , the institute has been engaged in geological prospecting for alunite , illite , pyrite , bentonite , fluorite , phosphate rock , sericite etc , has completed and submitted more than 70 geological reports 該院對明礬石、伊利石、硫鐵礦、膨潤土、螢石、磷礦、絹云母等礦進行了綜合找礦,綜合評價,先后提交各類地質報告70余份。

It has measured large numbers of large - middle scale deposits such as fanshan alunite deposit of cangnan county and bamianshan fluorite deposit of changshan county in zhejiang province 探明了浙江省蒼南縣礬山明礬石礦和浙江省常山縣八面山螢石礦等一大批大中型礦床,曾獲地質找礦二等獎1項,三等獎2項,四等獎多項。

Alunite expansive cement 明礬石膨脹水泥

Expanded cement with alunite adopted for mending digester 明礬石膨脹水泥修補沼氣池效果好

Methods for chemical analysis of alunite expansive cement 明礬石膨脹水泥及化學分析方法

Alunite ores - analytical methods - general instructions 明礬石礦石分析方法通則