
alumna n.(pl. -nae ) 〔拉丁語〕女畢業生;女校友。

Ceibs alumna tan lixia elected as “ china s top ten businesswomen of the year 2006 中歐校友袁光宇入選“ 2006年度最受關注企業家”

Alumna dong mingzhu elected “ cctv 2006 chinese business figure 中歐校友董明珠獲2006中國經濟年度人物獎


For this category of convention goers , onsite registration commences on 30 may at the following rates : us $ 311 for a rotarian or guest 19 years and over ; $ 478 for a rotarian couple ; $ 181 . 50 and $ 159 . 50 for a rotarian and guest , respectively , attending only the international institute ; $ 89 for a rotaractor , non - rotarian foundation alumnus / alumna , foundation scholar , or rylarian ; and $ 22 for a guest 18 years and under , youth exchange student , or interactor 現場注冊從5月30日開始,費用如下: 19歲(含)以上的扶輪社員或來賓每人311美元;扶輪夫婦為478美元;只參加國際研習會的扶輪社員及來賓分別是181 . 5美元和159 . 5美元;扶輪青年服務團團員、非扶輪社員的基金會前受獎人、受獎人、或扶輪青少年領袖獎參加者為89美元; 18歲(含)以下的來賓、青少年交換學生、或扶輪少年服務團團員為22美元。

Speaking at the ceremony , prof chen expressed his heartfelt gratitude to mrs chan , a lingnan alumna , for her long - time support of the alma mater and liberal arts education . mrs chan has been generous not only in making donations to lingnan but also in contributing her precious time as a council member of both of lingnan education organization limited and lingnan university , said prof chen 陳坤耀教授在致辭時對陳林麗冰女士衷心致謝,他指出:陳太是嶺南校友,長期以來除了金錢上的慷慨捐助外,亦撥出其個人的寶貴時間,參與嶺南教育機構有限公司和嶺南大學的校董會工作,為母校及博雅教育的理想作出貢獻。

Christine spark english left the huge , impersonal complex of currier house , where three hundred alumnae ( counting husbands ) were staying , and walked through the crowded radcliffe ' s quad to take a look at her old room in brig ' s hall where she had lived twenty years ago 克利斯婷斯巴克英格利西離開了那座巨大的,非個人的復合體住宿大樓,那里有三百多人包括丈夫的女校友正在那里待著,穿過擁擠的克利夫的四合院來看一眼在布爾格大樓里的二十年前她的舊房間。

Thank you very much , sharon ganyou , president neil rudenstein and angelica rudenstein , members of the harvard corporation board and board of overseers , faculty , students alumnae , distinguished guests 非常感謝你們,沙倫甘揚,尼爾羅登斯校長各安杰莉卡羅登斯坦,哈佛集團的董事長以及監管事會,老師們,同學們,女士們尊敬的來賓們。

He yi jewelry caft factory specialize in produce and process all kinds of cubic zircon , alumnae , spaniel , glass and so on . we can ensure the quality and pruduce thecustom - built products according to the custonersdemand 合意珠寶工藝廠是一家專業生產加工各種立方氧化鋯、紅剛玉、藍剛玉、尖晶、稀土玻璃等人造寶石和各種天然石。

Mrs chan wong shui , pamela is the chief executive of the hong kong consumer council , a distinguished social worker , and an outstanding alumna of chung chi college of the chinese university of hong kong 陳黃穗女士,現任香港消費者委員會總干事。她是一位杰出的社會工作者,也是香港中文大學崇基學院的杰出校友。

It is my great pleasure to say a word of hearty welcome to all the alumni and alumnae who have come ? some of them from very great distance ? to attend this reunion of former ess members 我很榮幸對所有的男女校友們表示衷心歡迎,校友們來- - - -有些是從很遠的地方- - -參加這以前英語演講學會成員的聚會。

The award is intended to celebrate a foundation alumnus or alumna whose extraordinary service activities and professional achievements exemplify the rotary ideal of service above self 這個獎項是頒發給一位基金會杰出的男或女前受獎人,其特別服務活動和專業的成就足以作為超我服務的扶輪理想?例。

The stakeholder consists country , society , students , staff , alumnae & alumni , research funds supplier , cooperators of production , learning and research , loan supplier , and so on 大學的利益相關者包括國家、社會、學生、教職工、校友、大學科研經費提供者、產學研合作者、貨款提供者等。

A distinguished civil service employee and alumna of the chinese university of hong kong , ms cheung man yee was the first chinese who became director of broadcasting in hong kong 張敏儀女士是一位出色的公務員、香港首位華人廣播處長,也是香港中文大學一位杰出校友。

Mrs . ip , a hku alumna herself , has just set up a think tank , savantas policy institute , in which she serves as chairperson of the board of governors 她于不久前創立匯賢智庫-一個以促使香港成功轉變為知識型經濟為核心愿景的智囊組織,并擔任理事會主席。

Looking back as an alumna , i find that the college system creates a unique campus culture and strengthens students sense of belonging to the university 回望在中大的日子,我覺得書院制創造了一種獨特的校園文化,增強了同學對大學的歸屬感。

A distinguished alumna of the united college of the chinese university of hong kong , ms yan is currently the chairperson of the cuhk convocation 殷巧兒女士是出色的教育工作者、香港中文大學聯合書院杰出校友,現任香港中文大學評議會主席。

As an alumna and former chemistry teacher of hku , i regard it as an honour to be able to support the pursuit of academic excellence . 身為港大校友和化學系的前度老師,我對自己能夠為港大師生在學術上追求卓越表現出一分力,感到光榮。

Singapore ' s most prominent singing sensation and ntu alumna stefanie sun shares how she became one of asia ' s brightest stars 新加坡最卓越的天后歌手,南洋理工大學杰出校友- - -孫燕姿將與大家分享她躋身亞洲天后行列的心路歷程。

An alumna of the chinese university of hong kong , ms . mok sau hing is a distinguished educationist in hong kong 莫秀馨女士是香港中文大學的校友,亦是一位杰出的教育工作者。

Alumna song wen - ming of win in chinato narrate how to promote selves and how to obtain venture capital 贏在中國的宋文明校友親身講述:營銷自我贏得創投活動報告