
aluminous adj.1.明礬的,含明礬的。2.礬土的,含礬土的。3....


In this paper , problems existing in aluminous beam electron beam welding process were analyzed first . based on coordinate transformation of four axes joint - motion , unigraphics / open grip software desktop , model data of welding work piece , calculation of welding track and simulation of welding dynamic process are implemented 本文分析了現有的鋁橫梁電子束焊接工藝中存在的問題,根據設備中四軸聯動系統的坐標變換關系,利用ug二次開發工具opengrip語言編程,實現了鋁橫梁的電子束焊接的運動軌跡的計算及其焊接過程的動態仿真。

Limited company of adornment of wall of hua guang act of lukewarm state city is with production , design , construction wall of large glass act , granite does the wall that hang act , aluminous model the building act wall such as board act wall and daylighting top , gauze wears project of project of roof tuss of project , light qualitative steel , steel structure , 97 people of existing worker , among them title of high school class 48 people , fixed assets many yuan 500 溫州市華光幕墻裝飾有限公司是以生產、設計、施工大型玻璃幕墻、花崗巖干掛幕墻、鋁塑板幕墻等建筑幕墻及采光頂、金屬網架工程、輕質鋼屋架工程、鋼結構工程、鋁合金門窗、塑鋼門窗等林型金屬結構工程以及建筑內外墻涂料施工的專業公司,現有職工97人,其中高中級職稱48人,固定資產500多萬元。

3 beautiful cars control zhejiang systematic limited company is the core company that 3 flowers control a group automobile industry , be located in development of hangzhou economy technology garden of 3 gardeners course of study , cover an area of nearly 200 thousand m2 , it is one takes the lead in rolling out aluminous reservoir in home , air conditioning of main production car expands a powerful person , reservoir the large - scale joint ventures of component of air conditioning of car of breed of hundreds kinds of two old series , norms , have of all kinds stuff now 800 more than person , year productivity amounts to 7 million , sale amounted to 160 million rmb 2006 浙江三花汽車控制系統有限公司是三花控股集團汽車產業的核心企業,坐落在杭州經濟技術開發區三花工業園,占地近20萬m2 ,是一家在國內率先推出鋁儲液器,主要生產汽車空調膨脹閥、儲液器兩大系列、數百種規格品種汽車空調部件的大型合資企業,現擁有各類員工800余人,年生產能力達700萬套, 2006年銷售額達1 . 6億人民幣。

Geochronological , geochemical and sr - nd isotopic data are reported for the alkaline igneous rocks ( syenites and zhaibei aluminous a - type granite ) and chebu gabbro in southern jiangxi province . shrimp zircon u - pb dating results indicate that the quannan syenite , zhaibei a - type granite and chebu gabbro formed during the early yanshanian period 對贛南燕山早期的富堿火成巖(正長巖和寨背鋁質a型花崗巖)和車步輝長巖進行了詳細的年代學、元素和sr - nd地球化學研究。

Track planning system of electron beam welding has been applied to weld production of aluminous crossbeam part successfully , and practical results show that this system can shorten development periods , and improve quality of production 電子束焊接的運動軌跡規劃系統已經成功地應用到了鋁橫梁零件的焊接生產中,運行結果表明該軟件系統縮短了產品開發周期,提高了產品質量。

Intention of 15 years , product of peaceful of abundant letting constant from single decelerate aircraft , radiation arrives the product of the 1000 many norms such as agitate equipment , promotion aircraft equipment , aluminous industry equipment 十五年的用心,讓恒豐泰產品從單一的減速機,輻射到攪拌設備、提升機設備、鋁工業設備等1000多個規格的產品。

It mainly produces various types of aluminous bars , and aluminous melt casts . with high content of technology , the products adopt the advanced spectrocomparator imported from britain to examine 公司主要生產各種規格型號的鋁棒鋁熔鑄件,產品采用英國進口的先進光譜儀進行檢驗,技術含量高。

Especially aiming at the asymmetric structure of the cast , the allocation of aluminous liquid during the filling process was presented and the concept of structure mass fraction was inducted 針對鑄件的不對稱結構提出了充型過程中鋁液的分配問題,引入結構質量分數的概念。

Instructions : specially designed for cleaning the aluminous surfaces . it will not damage the passivated layer of the aluminum and can keep the original gross 產品說明:根據鋁材特性,專門設計的配方,經該清潔劑清洗的鋁材,表面鈍化膜不會受損,并且保持原有的光澤。

The riding position of signal wire was not always in the vertex of the impression from the conclusions of production , but in the position in which aluminous liquid tilted at last 由生產實踐總結出信號線的安放位置不一定在型腔最高點,而應在金屬液最后充填的位置。

As an advanced welding technology of aluminous alloy welding , electron beam welding has become more and more important in manufacturing 電子束焊接作為在鋁合金焊接中一種先進的焊接技術,正在汽車制造等領域發揮越來越重要的作用。

Refractory products . chemical analysis of aluminous , siliceous , silicon carbide , carbon and metallic silicon refractory products 耐火材料制品.鋁礬土硅質材料碳化硅碳和金屬硅耐火材料制品的化學分析

Design and operation of wastewater treatment plant for aluminous alloy hub production 鋁合金輪轂生產廢水處理系統的設計和運行

Aluminous handle series 鋁制傘柄系列

Aiming at the process questions of electron beam welding of aluminous sheet 本項目研究的系統與工藝已獲得國家實用新型專利。

Physical testing methods of aluminous cement for refractories 耐火材料用礬土水泥的物理測試方法

Fem analysis about aluminous pressure - boiler 壓力鍋體有限元應力分析

Chemical analysis of aluminous cement for refractories 耐火材料用礬土水泥的化學分析