
aluminize vt.給…鍍鋁;在…涂鋁;對…進行鋁處理。


In this paper , the vacuum thermo - cycling effects and vacuum ultraviolet effects on space inflatable structural materials were analyzed based on a thorough survey over the studies done through flight tests , ground simulation experiments and theoretical research . the main contents of this thesis are as follows : the performance damage effects of thermo - cycling on space inflatable structural fabric carbon fiber reinforced epoxy laminates ( cf / ep ) , aluminized kapton ( al / kapton ) films which used as reflector of space inflatable antenna were investigated by a temperature range of - 120 120 with the vacuum degree 10 - 5 pa which conducted with space environment ground - based simulation facility 本文在對國內外飛行試驗、地面模擬試驗以及理論研究等所取得的成果調研的基礎上,針對空間充氣結構材料進行地面模擬真空熱循環與真空紫外輻照的研究工作:利用真空熱循環地面模擬試驗機研究了真空環境( 10 - 5pa )中- 120 120的熱循環條件下空間充氣支撐結構織物碳纖維增強環氧樹脂( cf / ep )層合材料、空間充氣展開天線反射面鍍鋁聚酰亞胺( al / kapton )薄膜的空間環境效應。

4flowery colors and durability . the extemal coating of the aluminum suspended ceiling has adopted the german aluminizing technique and imported pvdf or pe dope . it has the advantages of strong adhesion acid alkali resistance corrosion prevention , aging resistance and uv resistance . there is a wide range of rourine colors for your selection , we accept customizing orders if necessary 滾涂鋁天花吊頂表面涂裝采用了德國漢高皮膜鋁化技術及進口pvdf氟或pe涂料,具有附著力強,耐酸,耐堿,耐腐蝕,耐衰變,耐紫外線照射等特點。

The studies indicated that the rigidity of the copper billet was enhanced a lot with different pressure and different forms of pressure , and by the obvertion of the microscopic structure , we find that the aluminizing formations had different thickness with different pressure 研究結果表明:對不同壓制壓力下及不同壓制方式的純銅滲鋁后,銅坯的硬度得到很大的提高,對顯微組織觀察可知,在不同壓力下滲鋁其滲層厚度明顯不同。

Dongguan hua guang packing material co . ltd , founded in 1997 , is a national nongovernmental business specializes in aluminum foil paper , aluminized film ( laser film ) paper , stamp paper and so on all kinds of special high - quality composite paper in roll or in single 廣東省東莞市華光包裝材料有限公司于1997年成立,是一家以專業生產鋁箔紙、鍍鋁膜(鐳射膜)紙和花紋卡紙等多種特殊高品質、卷筒和單張復合紙的國內民營企業。

By the underwater test results of aluminized explosive , the influence of aluminum specification ( shape and size ) on the energy output of corresponding aluminized explosive was investigated , which is of valuable reference to the composite design of related explosives 通過對含鋁炸藥水下爆炸能量的測試,研究了鋁粉形狀和粒徑對含鋁炸藥水下能量輸出的影響,為相關的炸藥配方設計提供了參考。

The external coating of the aluminum suspended ceiling has adopted the german aluminizing technique and imported pvdf or pe dope . it has the advantages of strong adhesion , acid alkali resistance , corrosion prevention , again resistance and uv resistance 滾涂鋁天花吊頂表面涂裝采用了德國漢高皮膜鋁化技術及進口pvdf氟或pe涂料,具有附著力強,耐酸,耐堿,耐腐蝕,耐衰變,耐紫外線照射等特點。

In addition , another experiment was carried out that the powdered aluminum and copper was pressed in one die with a same pressure and infiltrated them after that with a hardness test of the aluminized copper sample and the obvertion of its microstructure 本文還試驗了通過銅粉與鋁粉在同一模具內,同一壓力下壓制后熔滲的實驗,并對滲后的試樣進行了硬度測試和微觀組織的觀察。

According to specification , the technical criteria and the demand required by the customers , our company may process aluminized oxygen lance , guard tube , insulating tube , wiring board , brass cap , aluminum cap , quartz tube ceramic bead , and so on 我公司可以按客戶的規格、技術指標和需求加工滲鋁吹氧管、保護管、絕緣管、接線板、銅帽、鋁帽、瓷珠等產品。

Bkl aluminized appropriate pheolic foam plank is used to making air - condition temperature flow wind tube s fine material , be used to market hotel gymnasum airport hospital and so on 信息內容:貝克萊鋁箔復合酚醛泡沫板材是用來制造空調保溫通風管道的理想材料,廣泛應用于:商場超市賓館飯店體育館車間機場醫院食品倉庫潔凈工程等場所。

Bkl aluminized appropriate pheolic foam plank is used to making air - condition temperature flow wind tube s fine material , be used to market hotel gymnasum airport hospital and so on 貝克萊鋁箔復合酚醛泡沫板材是用來制造空調保溫通風管道的理想材料,廣泛應用于:商場超市賓館飯店體育館車間機場醫院食品倉庫潔凈工程等場所。

The result of sem - eds shows that the microcrack is on the surface of the wetted part , but not on the not wetted part . the crack is superficial and affects only thin outside layer , not penetrate aluminized layer 掃描電鏡和能譜分析( sem - eds )的結果表明,樣品表面被液態鉛鋰合金所浸潤的部分出現微裂紋,而未浸潤部分沒有出現微裂紋。

Bkl aluminized appropriate phenolics foam plate is used to making hvac air duct ' s best material , can apply market hotel , airport , hospital and so on 貝克萊鋁箔復合酚醛泡沫板材是用來制造空調保溫通風管道的理想材料,廣泛應用于:商場超市賓館飯店體育館車間機場醫院食品倉庫潔凈工程等場所。

The hydrogen permeation experiment of manet ii with hot dipping aluminized coating was performed in temperature range of 300 to 450 , in gas phase and in liquid pb - 17li phase 在300 450溫度范圍內,分別在氫氣相和液態鉛鋰合金相中開展了帶熱浸鋁涂層manet馬氏體鋼的氫滲透性能研究。

The primary mirror . this is the paraboloidal mirror at the bottom of the tube . it has an aluminized surface that reflects starlight to form an image at the focal plane 主鏡。是位于鏡筒底部的一塊拋物面鏡。表面鍍鋁膜,將星光反射到焦平面上成像。

Effect of rare - earth elements on the diffusion coefficient of aluminum during hot - dip aluminizing for low carbon steel 稀土對低碳鋼熱浸滲鋁擴散系數的影響

350g m 2 specification for aluminized polychloroprene rubber - coated nylon fabric 350 g m2 for aerospace purposes 航空航天用滲鋁聚氯丁橡膠的尼龍織物

Summary of coating formation mechanism and microstructure during hot dip aluminizing on steel 熱浸鍍鋁鋼滲鋁層的微觀組織及其形成機理研究現狀

Material : galvanized or aluminized and glavanized color steel ( according to client ' s requirement ) 材質:鍍鋅或鍍鋁鋅彩色鋼板,由客戶指定。

Aluminized picture tube 鋁背顯象管