
aluminate n.鋁酸鹽。

In the process of study , by a lot of experiments for analyzing luminescent properties “ affecting factors , such as concentration ce and tb h3bo : i , synthesizing temperature and temperature reserving time , reducing condition , etc , it gives out a good foundation for synthesizing ideal rare earths luminescent materials activated by ce and tb in aluminates strontium host . the study indicated that photoluminesent aluminates strontium power activated by ce , tb , in sral . , 0 , , has a better luminescent effect . under the appropriate condition , srall . 0 ( that produce olivine light can be composed in 235nm or 365nm ul traviolet radiat ion act i vated by tbi07 , al , > 0 . i and srco : ! 研究表明,鈰、鋱共激活鋁酸鍶基光致發光粉體發光效果比較好;將tb _ 4o _ 7 、 srco _ 3和a1 _ 2o _ 3為原料,在適當的條件下可以合成在235nm或365nm紫外光激發下發出較強綠光的sral _ 2o _ 4 : ( tb )發光粉;加入ceo _ 2合成sral _ 2o _ 4 : ( ce , tb )可以增強sral _ 2o _ 4發光粉體的發光性能:在合咸溫度下保溫時間對合成樣品的發光效果有重要影響;隨實驗條件的改變可以制備出發紅、黃、綠色光的磷光體;通過x射線物相分析法對合成物的物相組成進行測定。

Thermometric titrimetry has had a long association with the production of alumina from bauxite ; where it has traditionally been applied to the determination of the caustic and aluminate contents of recirculating “ bayer process ” liquors 溫度滴定測量長期以來都和從礬土中提煉生產氧化鋁有關系?傳統上被用來測定再循環“拜爾法液體中的苛性堿和鋁酸鹽的含量。


4 . the interfacial soaking experiment of wollastonite / polypropylene composite material has further manifested that the cohesive strength of the interface between modified wollastonite 2 by stearic acid and polypropylene is higher than that of the interface between wollastonite and polypropylene , the interface between modified wollastonite 1 by stearic acid and polypropylene , the interface between modified wollastonite 3 by stearic acid and polypropylene , the interface between modified wollastonite by aluminate ester and polypropylene , the interface between non - modified wollastonite and polypropylene . 5 硅灰石增強復合材料的界面浸潤性測量實驗進一步表明,在硅灰石pp的復合體系中,改性硅灰石與pp基體的界面結合強度高于未改性硅灰石;硬脂酸改性硅灰石與pp基體的界面結合強度高于鋁酸酯改性灰石;粒度為2號樣的改性硅灰石與pp基體的界面結合強度高于1和3號改性硅灰石。

In the process of study , by a lot of experiments for analyzing luminescent properties “ affecting factors , such as concentration ce and tb h3bo : i , synthesizing temperature and temperature reserving time , reducing condition , etc , it gives out a good foundation for synthesizing ideal rare earths luminescent materials activated by ce and tb in aluminates strontium host . the study indicated that photoluminesent aluminates strontium power activated by ce , tb , in sral . , 0 , , has a better luminescent effect . under the appropriate condition , srall . 0 ( that produce olivine light can be composed in 235nm or 365nm ul traviolet radiat ion act i vated by tbi07 , al , > 0 . i and srco : ! 研究表明,鈰、鋱共激活鋁酸鍶基光致發光粉體發光效果比較好;將tb _ 4o _ 7 、 srco _ 3和a1 _ 2o _ 3為原料,在適當的條件下可以合成在235nm或365nm紫外光激發下發出較強綠光的sral _ 2o _ 4 : ( tb )發光粉;加入ceo _ 2合成sral _ 2o _ 4 : ( ce , tb )可以增強sral _ 2o _ 4發光粉體的發光性能:在合咸溫度下保溫時間對合成樣品的發光效果有重要影響;隨實驗條件的改變可以制備出發紅、黃、綠色光的磷光體;通過x射線物相分析法對合成物的物相組成進行測定。

The silicate is more stable than the aluminate . and have better adaptable , but its luminescence properties do not achieve aluminates there a lot of work must be done for improving the luminescence properties of silicate . the paper have researched detailedly the system of sr2mgsi2o7 : eu2 + , dy3 + 而硅酸鹽體系化學性質較鋁酸鹽體系穩定,具有更好的適應性,但硅酸鹽體系的發光性能尚未達到鋁酸鹽體系水平,進一步提高硅酸鹽體系的發光性能,還需做更深入的工作。

In the study of terbium activate the strontium aluminate , a lot of experiment were done based the changes such as terbium , compounding temperature , reducer etc , the prime concentration of terbium and compounding temperature are confirmed , high quality green terbium actived phosphor are compounded 在鋱激活的鋁酸鍶研究中,就改變鋱的含量、合成溫度、還原氣氛等進行大量的實驗,確定了鋱最佳摻入量和最佳合成溫度,合成了優質鋱激活發綠色光的磷光體。

The aluminates are used as the base and the rare earth materials are used as the luminescence center and trap center . the excitation resource can be visible light and man - made light , so this type of long persistent phosphor has the advantages of no - radiation and no need of electricity 它以鋁酸鹽陶瓷材料為基質,以稀土材料作為摻雜元素形成發光中心和陷阱中心,激發源可以為日光或人造光源,無污染,不消耗電能,是一種高效節能的固體發光顯示材料。

The luminescence theorem of aluminates strontium is studied , too . ce transfers energy to tb in ce and tb co - activated phosphors . light emission of phosphors is led by 4f - 4f - electron leap of tb ; its long lasting persistence is related to electron traps in sraljo , host lattice 鉚對錨有能量傳遞和敏化作用,該磷光體的光發射是锨的4f 4ffh于躍遷發射的結果:其余輝特性與鋁酸鋸晶格的電子陷階等有關。

Thermometric titrimetry has had a long association with the production of alumina from bauxite ; where it has traditionally been applied to the determination of the caustic and aluminate contents of recirculating “ bayer process ” liquors 溫度滴定測量長期以來都和從礬土中提煉生產氧化鋁有關系?傳統上被用來測定再循環“拜爾法液體中的苛性堿和鋁酸鹽的含量。

Activated agent of cerium that is abundant and cheap together with a little terbiumas additive is used in the study , to research and explore luminescent mechanism of aluminates strontium 本研究擬選用原料豐富、價格便宜的輕稀土元素鈰作敏化劑,以鋱作激活劑,對其在鋁酸鍶基體中的發光機理這一新領域進行研究和探討。

Kerneos is the world leader in the research , production and valorization of calcium aluminate specialty mineral binders and reactants to the dry mix mortar industry 林棟經理:凱諾斯鋁酸鹽公司在鋁酸鹽的科研和生產中,以及把鋁酸鹽作為特種礦物膠凝材料和添加劑的干粉砂漿領域,都處于世界領導地位。

The aluminates are used as the base and the rare earth materials are used as the luminescence center and trap center . the excitation resource can be visible light and man - made light 它以鋁酸鹽陶瓷材料為基質,以稀土材料作為摻雜元素形成發光中心和陷阱中心,激發光源可以為目光或人造光源。

In the study of cerium activate the strontium aluminate , the x - ray diffraction icon and sem photo are listed , the concentration of cerium that influence the luminescence are discussed 在鈰激活的鋁酸鍶基質中,我們給出了發光體的x射線衍射圖和sem圖,并討論了鈰的濃度對合成物發光性的影響。

We also have some efforts in the synthesis of single crystal boron nanowires , in which we happened to synthesize a multiplex metal oxide - magnesium aluminate nanowires 在合成硼單晶線方面也作了一些嘗試,并在此過程中意外地首次合成了鋁酸鎂納米線。

Manufacturer of sodium aluminate , potassium aluminate , and aluminum sulfate . includes product list and industrial applications served . maryland , usa -生產供應三氯化磷三氯氧磷磷酰氯氧氯化磷堿性玫瑰精等產品,包括公司簡介產品介紹化工e圈等

Cerium ' s luminescence in the strontium aluminate are found that is a breakthrough for inaugurate new cheaper luminescence material 研究中發現了鈰在鋁酸鍶基質中發光,這對開辟更便宜的新型發光材料具有突破性進展。

Due to demand of the business development , we announced that we changed the name to kerneos ( china ) aluminates techknowledge co . , ltd 由于業務發展的需要,我們正式更名為凱諾斯(中國)鋁酸鹽技術有限公司。

It aims to convey our ambition to implement innovative technical solutions based on calcium aluminates for customers 它同時也傳遞著我們的信念:為我們的客戶提供以鋁酸鈣為基礎的創新的技術解決方案。

The systhesized samples are the mixture of different strontium aluminate crystal by means of x - ray diffractometer analysis 對合成樣品進行x射線粉晶衍射分析發現,合成物是幾種鋁酸鍶晶體的混合相。