
altruistic adj.利他的,利他主義的。-tically 副詞

Among the more altruistic , 67 percent rated their own marriage as “ very happy . “ among those who were profiled as the least altruistic , only 50 percent said they were very happy in marriage 在比較無私的人當中,有67的人將自己的婚姻評定為“非常幸福”在無私方面得分最低的人中,僅有50的人認為他們的婚姻非常幸福。

“ we went into this experiment with the idea that altruism was really a function of the brain ' s reward systems - - altruistic people would simply find it more rewarding , “ he said “我們是帶著利他主義的確是大腦獎勵機制的一個功能的想法開始這項試驗的,也就是說,利他的人們會得到(其大腦)更多的獎勵。 ”他說。

“ there are selfish reasons to behave in altruistic ways , “ says gregg easterbrook , author of “ the progress paradox : how life gets better while people feel worse “ random house , 2004 許多心理學家這樣解釋這種現象:一個人不快樂是由一種疏忽怠慢的狀態造成的,因為“不快樂”要比“快樂”容易得多。

This research infers that the reason is students “ behavior is consistent and stable in a particular circumstance , and there is some altruistic personality 本研究推斷這是由于中小學生在特定環境中的行為表現具有較高的一致性和穩定性,此外還可能與中小學生個性中的利他特質有關。


Among the more altruistic , 67 percent rated their own marriage as “ very happy . “ among those who were profiled as the least altruistic , only 50 percent said they were very happy in marriage 在比較無私的人當中,有67的人將自己的婚姻評定為“非常幸福”在無私方面得分最低的人中,僅有50的人認為他們的婚姻非常幸福。

The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness 毫無疑問,利他主義存在于任何社會,而且道德準也普遍提倡利他主義或善良行為,而譴責自私自利.這也正是利他主義具有強大生命力的原因

“ we went into this experiment with the idea that altruism was really a function of the brain ' s reward systems - - altruistic people would simply find it more rewarding , “ he said “我們是帶著利他主義的確是大腦獎勵機制的一個功能的想法開始這項試驗的,也就是說,利他的人們會得到(其大腦)更多的獎勵。 ”他說。

The busan initiates believe that activities like the march 2005 yangsan video seminar are part of god s will and provide them with opportunities to practice altruistic love and devotion and grow spiritually 對同修而言,參與弘法活動就是一種訓練,讓自己有機會發揮無私的愛與奉獻的精神,并獲得靈性的成長。

Scientists have long wondered why this altruistic behavior exists since it runs contradictory to an animal ' s goals of surviving to pass its genes to future generations 因為,這種行為與動物將基因繼續傳遞給下一代的生存本能大相徑庭。現在,加利福尼亞大學的巴里斯諾弗及其同事向人們揭開了這一謎底。

“ there are selfish reasons to behave in altruistic ways , “ says gregg easterbrook , author of “ the progress paradox : how life gets better while people feel worse “ random house , 2004 許多心理學家這樣解釋這種現象:一個人不快樂是由一種疏忽怠慢的狀態造成的,因為“不快樂”要比“快樂”容易得多。

The study asked dozens of questions to gauge both altruistic intentions and behaviors . how often do you give blood ? do you return money when a cashier makes a mistake in your favor 該研究中心的社會學家湯姆史密斯說: “通常一個人的無私行為與他她的幸福感有關,特別是幸福的婚姻生活。 ”

His example to plutocrats everywhere amounts to an altruistic call to action , part of an attempt with mr gates to make philanthropy as much about the doing as about the donating 他的例子等于是在對每一處的財閥做出號召,是蓋茨嘗試著讓慈善事業把關于做和關于捐贈變得同等重要的一部分。

This research infers that the reason is students “ behavior is consistent and stable in a particular circumstance , and there is some altruistic personality 本研究推斷這是由于中小學生在特定環境中的行為表現具有較高的一致性和穩定性,此外還可能與中小學生個性中的利他特質有關。

The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere , which is so common in nowadays socialty . i wonder if human beings are primarily altruistic or selfish (生活中最使人筋疲力盡的事是弄虛作假,然而這在當今的社會卻是比比皆是。讓我開始懷疑人性究竟是本善還是自私? )

This woman enabled me to put into words what i had been searching for _ the 1 ) altruistic , as well as the personal , reasons for taking happiness seriously 這位女士正好使我道出了我一直想說的話:也就是認真對待幸福的外在原因,而那同時也是內在的原因。

The understanding of being altruistic means that you do something with absolutely no intention of any personal return . that s the whole understanding of being altruistic 利他主義的定義是做一些絕對沒有意圖得著個人利益的事,這是利他主義的基本意義。

These random acts of kindness are an attempt at altruistic behavior , where we do something simply and solely for the purpose of doing something good 若我們只為了做好事去做善事,就是嘗試做利他主義的行為,那篇文章認為利他主義行為是不可能的。

According to the researchers , the results suggest that altruistic behaior may originate from how people iew the world rather than how they act in it 根據研究者的觀點,結果建議利他行為可能來源于人們怎樣看世界而非他們怎樣在世界中行動。

White lie is both deceptive and altruistic . the seeming inconsistent qualities put people in a great quandary : shall we choose justice or care 白謊兼具欺騙性和利他性特征,這兩個看似矛盾的特征使人們左右為難:選擇公正還是關懷