
altruism n.利他主義,愛他主義。

“ we went into this experiment with the idea that altruism was really a function of the brain ' s reward systems - - altruistic people would simply find it more rewarding , “ he said “我們是帶著利他主義的確是大腦獎勵機制的一個功能的想法開始這項試驗的,也就是說,利他的人們會得到(其大腦)更多的獎勵。 ”他說。


Czechs said they believed that czechs were antagonistic and disagreeable , but when personality was actually observed , czechs scored higher than most on levels of altruism and modesty 捷克人說他們認為捷克人比較地敵對難相處,但當捷克人的性格被實際觀察的時候,他們在利他和誠實的基準上得分卻比大多數國家都要高。

“ we went into this experiment with the idea that altruism was really a function of the brain ' s reward systems - - altruistic people would simply find it more rewarding , “ he said “我們是帶著利他主義的確是大腦獎勵機制的一個功能的想法開始這項試驗的,也就是說,利他的人們會得到(其大腦)更多的獎勵。 ”他說。

It is tempting to say that the abrupt coolings pumped up brain size , but what makes for better survival is something much more specific : hunting abilities and perhaps altruism 雖然我們很想沖動地說,氣候驟然變冷造成了人類腦部的擴增;然而真正能增加生存機會的,是狩獵能力和利他行為等較為特定的東西。

Far from being a senseless exercise in self - deception , this purification from the dangers of wallowing in smug altruism leads to greater self - knowledge and dedication 不同于毫無意義的自欺欺人,這種使人從沉浸于自鳴得意的利他主義的危險中得到解脫的靈魂凈化,能夠讓人更有自知之明,更加樂于奉獻。

The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness 利他主義的生命力在于,它存在于任何社會,而這些社會的道德準則普遍提倡利他主義或者善心,譴責自私自利

If they can discern no such traditional rationale to u . s . behavior , they ascribe our motives not to altruism but to a hidden agenda for domination 如果他們找不到這樣的傳統理由來解釋美國的舉動,他們便會將我們的行為動機歸咎于某種隱匿的稱霸計劃,而不會將其歸諸于所謂的利他主義。

But if we give too much emphasis to science and technology we are in danger of losing touch with those aspects of human knowledge and understanding that aspire towards honesty and altruism 但是,如果我們過份強調科技,我們就要失去我們對追尋誠實和利他精神的那一份熱忱的人性。

A new study has revealed that laughter increases altruism towards strangers , a finding which may have important implications for charities and other fundraising bodies 一項新的研究顯示笑聲增加人們對陌生人的利他行為,這個發現或給慈善機構和募款組織帶來重要的幫助。

These efforts reflect not altruism on our part , but realism . they are both right and smart . but we know that preparedness does not come without a price tag 以一所獨立的管理機構來說,我們已經得知,如果問:為遵守法律,我們在這個問題上最低限度應有什么作為?

But the recipients of their largesse are unlikely to care if the donors are motivated by altruism , public relations or a guilty conscience 但不論捐贈者是因為利他主義的動機,還是因為公共關系的需要,或者是良心的愧疚而捐贈,對于受贈者來說,這一切都無所謂。

Swartz was determined to make timberland a living laboratory for an [ b ] altruism [ / b ] - driven culture without [ b ] torpedo [ / b ] ing the family business 史瓦茲決定使添柏嵐成為一個活生生的實驗室,在不至于摧毀家族事業的前提下,帶動一種利他主義的文化。

The story ofpsyche exemplifies many of the phenomena that psychologists seek tostudy : curiosity , envy , love , compassion , altruism , and perseverance 普緒客的故事表現了心理學家們所研究的眾多現象:好奇心、嫉妒、愛、同情、利他思想和堅定不移。

However , a recently research discovered that family altruism can also seriously influence the family business system as well as causing the agency problem 但最近一個時期的研究發現,家族利他主義會嚴重影響家族企業的行為,也會產生代理問題。

The bottom line , he said , is that altruism may rely on a basic understanding that others hae motiations and actions that may be similar to our own 他說,底線是利他主義可能是基于這樣的基本認識:別人也有和我們自己近似的動機和行為。

Or , thedata might mean that good marriages make people morealtruistic . whatever , altruism and happiness seem to go together in therealmof love 報告說: “不管兩者哪個在先,反正在愛的王國中,無私與幸福似乎是緊緊連在一起的。 ”

Chapter 1 analyses fgs , the endogenous factors of fbs , which are composed of four bases : selfishness , mental models , altruism , and culture 構成“家族基因”的四個堿基分別為利己人性、心智模式、利他人性和文化因子。

How to keep conscious in such matter desire world ? and how to correspond well with selfishness and altruism to make self - harmonious intrinsic 人,又將如何在物欲橫流的天地間秉持心靈的圣潔與至高,而獲得真正的幸福

Its “ goodness ” stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from adam smith ' s invisible hand 公司的“善舉”更多的是源自亞當?斯密所謂的那只“看不見的手” ,而非企業利他主義之類的空話。