
alton n.奧爾頓〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Energy efficiency fund in jointly efforts of unido , alton fund and netherlands government 5 . distributing cooling , heating and power combined supply system 提高常規發電廠效率技術:研究超聲波乳化燃油節油技術以及燃煤發電廠汽輪機余熱蒸汽中熱能回收技術等。

I drove to alton in hampshire to see field marshal lord montgomery at isington mill , his little country home 我驅車前往漢普郡的奧爾頓,去陸軍元帥蒙哥馬利勛爵在艾辛頓米爾的鄉間小宅探望他。

They nominated judge alton parker of new york , an obscure and ineffectual third - rate politician 他們提名紐約的奧爾頓?帕克法官為候選人。他是一位既無名望又無能耐的三流政客。

They nominated judge alton parker of new york, an obscure and ineffectual third-rate politician . 他們提名紐約的奧爾頓帕克法官為候選人。他是一位既無名望又無能耐的三流政客。