
altogether adv.1.全然,全,完全。2.一共。3.總之。短語和例...

As for “documentaries“, these too are not altogether new . 至于“資料性文學”那也并不完全是新鮮事。

“it is not altogether a sacrifice,“ said the woman . “這根本不是什么犧牲,”那女人說道。


After a course of proper treatment the attack at last ceased altogether . 經過適當的治療,發作終于完全消失。

1963 was altogether a disastrous year for the tory government . 整個說來,1963年對保守黨政府是災難性的一年。

The monthly expenditure of our family is four hundred dollars altogether . 我們一家的開銷每月共計四百元。

The novel took a year to write altogether , from start to finish . 這篇小說從動筆到定稿,前后用了一年時間。

But i may as well tell you that you've altogether mistaken your man ! 可是我不妨告訴你,你完全看錯了人!

The second reason was altogether more expansive and imperial . 第二個理由整個說來比較普遍,也比較冠冕。

It was altogether mixed pickles within him, hot and sickly pickles . 他的心情非常復雜,酸甜苦辣都有。

This was altogether a splendid time for friendly persuasion . 這全然是一個友好地進行游說的絕妙時刻。

As for “documentaries“, these too are not altogether new . 至于“資料性文學”那也并不完全是新鮮事。

Perhaps mr. slope was not altogether wrong in his calculation . 也許,斯洛普先生的估計并不完全錯。

If you think that , you are barking up the wrong tree altogether . 你要是那樣想,你就大錯特錯了。

Gypsum and halite are simply thinned or removed altogether . 石膏與巖鹽則逐漸變薄或完全被溶解掉。

Priscilla, you're being altogether too prim and proper . 普麗西拉,你真是一本正經,一板一眼了。

She still had not altogether recovered from john's birth . 她生了約翰以后,身體還沒有完全復原。

Celia jordan received altogether too much attention . 人們給予西利亞喬丹的注意實在是過多了。

The oak desk was dark and old and altogether perfect . 橡木書桌顏色很深,式樣古雅,十全十美。

It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this . 我們這樣做,是十分適合和正當的。