
alto n.〔意大利語〕1.【音樂】男聲最高音;中高音,女低音。...

She began singing in church choirs at age five , commenced piano lessons two years later , and briefly played alto saxophone in junior high . “ my mom had this eight - album billie holiday set 出生于美國紐約,一位今年才二十二歲的女生norah jones諾拉瓊斯,擁有超的才華與甜美溫柔的歌聲。


They include such notables as former top computer scientist lynn conway of xerox palo alto research center who is now a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the university of michigan stanford biology professor and author joan roughgarden and university of illinois economist deirdre mccloskey 對于巴里斯來說,變成男人以后唯一的不同就是眼淚少了,至少不會號啕大哭了,其他的完全一樣,包括他的工作他的興趣,論文的質量都沒有變化。

The saxophones are made in a large variety of sizes and keys , such as bb soprano , eb alto , bb tenor and eb baritone . the tone quality of the saxophone is thicker and more pungent than that of the clarinet and its ease of playing and marked character have made it one of the chief instruments in modern jazz bands 薩克管從高音到低音,不同大小的有五種之多,包括降b調的高音soprano ,降e調的中音alto ,降b調的次中音tenor及降e調的上低音baritone等。

And xerox ' s palo alto research centre ( parc ) devised the personal computer ' s distinctive elements , including the mouse , the graphical user interface and the ethernet protocol for computer networking ( although it was criticised for failing to commercialise such leaps forward ) 施樂的帕洛阿爾托研究中心研制了個人電腦的獨特部件,包括鼠標、圖形用戶界面和使計算機互聯的以太網協議(盡管它因未能將這些飛躍商業化而遭批評) 。

The developments of restraining stress , creep behavior and elastic modulus in concrete were measured under different restraint degrees by uniaxial restrained shrinkage tea , and the influence of restraint degree on evaluation of cracking sensitivity in early concrete was alto discussed 采用了單軸約束試驗方法,分析了不同約束程度下混凝土約束應力、松弛性質和彈性模量的發展,并討論了約束程度對早期開裂敏感性評價的影響。

Ver the years , thomas one wolf s organization has stayed in touch with us , but we had not had the opportunity to meet up again until just a couple months ago , at the global conference of the united religions initiative at stanford university in palo alto , california 些年來,湯瑪斯萬渥夫的組織與我們一直都保持聯絡,但直到前幾個月大家才有機會在倡議聯合宗教于加州帕洛奧多的史丹佛大學所舉行的全球會議中再度重逢。

At its base in palo alto , the offices of its founders , “ bill ” and “ dave ” , are preserved in the laboratories where they pioneered products and principles like open - plan cubicles for employees and “ management by walking around ” 在帕洛阿爾托基地,惠普創立者的曾經的辦公室“比爾”和“戴維” [ 1 ]在實驗室中被保留下來,他倆曾在實驗室推出了前沿產品并提出了諸如員工的開放計劃小室和“走動式管理”等原則。

Zuckerberg , who often turns up to his office in palo alto , california , wearing adidas sandals , took exception to10 a drawing in the wall street journal because it showed him wearing a shirt with a collar instead of his habitual t - shirt 經常穿著阿迪達斯涼鞋出現在加州帕洛阿爾托自己辦公室的朱克伯格很不喜歡《華爾街日報》上的一幅畫像,因為畫像中的他穿著有領襯衫而不是他慣常穿的t恤。

The alto solo , melody sze and the tenor solo , tam yu leung are both the younger generation of the cuhk music graduates while soprano katusha tsui - fraser and the bass derek anthony are both vocal instructors of the music department 擔任獨唱的女低音史韶韻及男高音譚宇良為音樂系年青一輩的畢業生,而女高音徐慧及男低音戴志誠derekanthony則為音樂系聲樂導師。

Prior to co - founding adobe , geschke formed the imaging sciences laboratory at xerox palo alto research center where he directed research activities in the fields of computer science , graphics , image processing and optics 在共同創建adobe之前, geschke在xerox palo alto研究中心組建了成像科學實驗室,指導計算機科學圖形學圖像處理和光學領域的研究活動。

Before joining sun in 1983 , he was a member of the research staff at the computer science lab at xerox palo alto research center parc , and held positions at bell laboratories and zilog 1983年加入升陽電腦之前,他是xerox palo alto research center parc的電腦科技實驗室研究員,另外還分別在貝爾實驗室bell laboratories和zilog擔任相關職務。

Palo alto , calif . , may 3 , 2004 - technology that can help service providers quickly determine which single routing event is the root cause of millions of other events in their bgp ( border gateway protocol ) networks has been developed by packet design (邊界網關協議)網絡的上百萬個事件中快速確定哪個路由事件是根本原因的技術已被

The instrument , which comes in three sizes : soprano , mezzo soprano and alto , is especially popular in the northwestern and northeastern parts of china . it is also widely used in the accompaniment of various regional chinese operas 它的體積雖小,但聲音高吭而嘹亮,流行于東北華北和西北各區,許多地方戲曲都用它作主要的伴奏樂器。

One of our fellow brothers had spent some time as a homeless person living under a bridge in palo alto , and this was a place he used to go in order to get some warm coffee and camaraderie 我們小中心有一位師兄曾經也當過游民,住在柏拉奧圖市橋下,當時他也常來此喝杯熱咖啡取暖,并和落難的好友們相聚交誼。

He has also guest conducted the indianapolis symphony and minnesota orchestra . in the bay area , parkman regularly conducted the festival opera of walnut creek , the sacramento and the palo alto philharmonic orchestras 柏文亦經常在三藩市東岸區指揮核桃溪歌劇樂團薩克拉門托交響樂團及柏拉阿圖交響樂團。

Its sound box is covered with a thin ply of wood . the instrument , which comes in three sizes : soprano , mezzo soprano and alto , is especially popular in the northwestern and northeastern parts of china 它的體積雖小,但聲音高吭而嘹亮,流行于東北華北和西北各區,許多地方戲曲都用它作主要的伴奏樂器。

There are two strong parallel city - university - town relationships which can be found in the united states which have a similar relationship : boston - cambridge and san francisco - berkeley - palo alto 美國波士頓-劍橋區與舊金山-柏克萊區-帕羅奧托區的市中心,與本案與高教園區關系,是兩個非常類似的例子。

She began singing in church choirs at age five , commenced piano lessons two years later , and briefly played alto saxophone in junior high . “ my mom had this eight - album billie holiday set 出生于美國紐約,一位今年才二十二歲的女生norah jones諾拉瓊斯,擁有超的才華與甜美溫柔的歌聲。

The integration of the higher education of law and legal aid is not only the requirement of the development of legal aid but alto the need of the the innovation of legal profession education 摘要高等法學教育與法律援助的有機整合,是法律援助自身發展的要求,又是法學教育改革之必然。