
altimeter n.測高計,高度表。

Zhang xiangkun ( aircraft design ) directed by : liu heguang , zhang yunhua this thesis is supported by the national 863 project “ key technology of spaceborne three - dimensional imaging altimeter “ 本論文課題是結合國家863計劃課題“星載三維成象雷達高度計關鍵技術”而進行的。


Radar altimeter is a kind of very important microwave sensing instrument for observing the earth , and there are a lot of key technologies involved in the high resolution spaceborne radar altimeter ( hrsbralt ) . the principle of hrsbralt , the acquisition and track methods , the if simulation , the closed loop internal calibration method , the pulse repeat frequency ( prf ) design , and the ocean - land compatible altimeter design are studied in this dissertation 雷達高度計是一種重要的微波遙感儀器,本文就高分辨率星載雷達高度計的工作機理、跟蹤方法、大時帶積在軌閉環內校準以及海陸兼容等內容進行了深入的研究,具體包括以下八個方面的內容: ( 1 )深入研究了星載雷達高度計的工作機理,并對典型雷達高度計系統進行了分析。

Experimental result indicates that the kgw - xx radio altimeter can provide steady height data at ultra - low altitude , so it can be used as an altitude sensor of a tow target system , and the height data shows a bigger ladder error that affects the precision of the tow target system 靜態模擬測高試驗結果表明:該高度表可在超低空狀態下提供穩定的高度數據,可以作為某型拖靶系統的高度傳感器;該高度表提供的高度數據存在著較大的階梯誤差,將影響拖靶系統的恒高精度。

According to the minimum detectable power required by the spaceborne laser altimeter for 200km maximum range and the analysis result of the effect between the maximum range and the equation ' s each parameter , the specifications for noncooperative regulable attenuation setting were fixed on 根據月球探測激光高度計實現200km所需的最小可探測功率,各影響因子與最大測程關系的分析,確定非合作目標可調衰減法裝置的技術指標。

Airborne gravimetry is a new kind of technique for surveying the gravity acceleration over the earth ' s surface and is advanced in gravimetry history , which basing on aircraft , including gravimeter , gps , altimeter and attitude sensor etc . 航空重力測量是一種新型的重力測量技術,它以飛機為載體,綜合應用重力傳感器、 gps 、高度傳感器、姿態傳感器等設備測定近地空間重力加速度。航空重力測量是重力測量的一次歷史性變革。

Abstract : a portable digital instrument for multi - using ( multi - parameter ) is introduced . it includes the function of vacuometer , atmospheric pressure altimeter , thermometer ( environment ) and pressuremeter ( for example the standard pressuremeter of sphygmomanometer calibration ) 文摘:介紹一種便攜、數字式的多用途儀器,它具有真空度計、氣壓高度計、 (周圍環境)溫度計以及壓力計(例如可作為校準血壓計的標準器)等功能。

Based on the model of resource survey spaceborne laser altimeter , the noncooperative regulable attenuation module , including angular measure setting , beam splitter , energy meter , attenuator and simulant target , was designed and founded 結合激光高度計原理樣機,設計并建立了非合作目標可調衰減法模塊,該模塊包括角度測量裝置、分束片、能量計、衰減器以及模擬目標物。

Due to the uncertainty of factors such as far - range , atmospheric attenuation and operated target , a steady and reliable method and setting to characterize laser altimeter ' s performance is an important and difficult technology 由于測程遠、大氣衰減、被測目標物等不確定性因素,建立一種穩定可靠的激光高度計性能指標驗證裝置和方法,是一項重要的、必須解決的技術難點。

According to the parameters such as minimum detectable power , range and reflectivity of simulant target , meteorological visibility and optical efficiency , the maximum range of laser altimeter was figured out by the range - finding equation 將最小可探測功率、模擬目標距離、目標物反射率、光學效率等參數代入最大測程推算方程,得出激光高度計最大測程指標。

A new real time internal calibration scheme resolved this problem . the high prf can improve the measurement resolution on large ocean wave , and the topex altimeter imposes 4200hz for prf , but the reason has not been published ( 5 )提出了大時帶積高精度雷達高度計星上實時內校準方案,保證大時帶積高度計可以實現在星上的閉環內校準工作。

An approach of static simulation of altitude measurement using a kgw - xx radio altimeter installed in a target drone model is introduced , experimental data are presented , and testing results are analyzed in theory 摘要介紹某型拖靶使用的kgw - xx型無線電高度表靜態模擬測高試驗方法,給出了試驗數據,并對試驗結果進行了理論分析。

Pilots fly under “ visual flight rules ” ? they file a flight plan with a local flight service station , navigate by altimeter and visual cues , and stay out of controlled airspace 駕駛員按照目視飛航規則飛行,也就是先向區域性的飛航服務站提出飛行計畫書,然后利用高度計和目視地標航行,并且不能進入飛航管制的空域。

In this dissertation , this conclusion is proved to be true . a new altimeter tracker , the model - compatible tracker ( mct ) , is designed to realize the compatible measurement for both ocean and land ( 6 )高脈沖重復頻率可以提高在大浪條件下的測高精度,本文對這一結論進行了理論推導,證明了這一結果的正確性。

Orthogonalized convolution method and the harmonic analysis along satellite orbit are used to withdraw tidal wave from topex / poseidon satellite altimeter data in the bohai sea , yellow sea and east china sea 本文利用正交響應法和沿軌調和分析從渤黃東海的topex / poseidon衛星高度計資料中提取了主要分潮。

At last this paper gives the analyse of power and the output data . this low - power atmospheris pressure altimeter is mainly made up of the sensor , the lead plane and management of power supply 其中降低系統功耗的設計是本文的重點。該氣壓高度表主要由壓阻式壓力傳感器、主機、電源管理組成。

The main features and applications of the fmcw radar in the radar altimeters , automotive highway monitoring systems , warship navigation systems and other areas are reviewed first 首先回顧了fmcw雷達的特點和應用以及單一正弦信號頻率估計的各種方法,簡單分析了線性fmcw雷達的測距基本原理。

Mct is capable of the robustness just as the offset center of gravity tracker ( ocog tracker ) , and the high resolution just as the mle . a new altimeter is designed based on mct ( 8 )提出了一種基于模型兼容跟蹤器的海陸兼容高度計系統方案,并針對于這一方案進行了系統指標的設計。

Zhang xiangkun ( aircraft design ) directed by : liu heguang , zhang yunhua this thesis is supported by the national 863 project “ key technology of spaceborne three - dimensional imaging altimeter “ 本論文課題是結合國家863計劃課題“星載三維成象雷達高度計關鍵技術”而進行的。

The altimeter used in most airplanes is a kind of barometer , which like barometers found in ordinary homes , is a measuring instrument for air pressure (許多飛機上使用高度計是氣壓計的一種。這種氣壓計就象普遍家庭使用的晴雨表一樣是測量空氣壓力的儀器。 )