
although 盡管,雖然〔引導讓步副詞子句,主句中不用 but, 可用...


Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own . 盡管她父親在公司里,但她那份工作卻是靠自己得到的。

Although he cultivated the air of a gentleman, he was not a wealthy man . 雖然他養成了一副紳士的氣派,他并不寬綽。

Although he failed in this entrance examination , he did n't lose heart . 這次入學考試他雖名落孫山,但他并不氣餒。

Although all my care in packing it the clock arrived broken . 盡管我把這座時鐘小心包裝,可是運來時它還是被損壞了。

Although the distance was so short he had hired a fly from the red lion . 雖然路近極了,他卻從紅獅店里雇了一輛車。

Although the tide was going out, there were few slow rollers . 雖然正是退潮時刻,但還是出現一些姍姍而來的巨浪。

Hunt jumped a respectable round although his horse was unfit . 亨特的馬狀態欠佳,但他縱馬跳障礙這一輪還算不錯。

They sweated terribly; although they had marched only a few hundred yards . 他們汗出如漿,雖然才走了幾百碼路。

It wasn't the loans that saved us, although we needed them badly . 使我們得救的不是貸款,雖然我們急需貸款。

Although forced to serve in the army, they could not become officers . 雖然被迫服兵役,但他們不能成為軍官。

Although the work is always urgent, overtime payment is unusual . 雖然工作經常刻不容緩,但加班費則很優厚。

Although badly bruised on both face and body , he had broken no bones . 臉上身上雖見傷痕,并未傷筋動骨。

The item, although relevant to last one, will not be retrieved . 這個條目雖然與前一條有關,但也難查到。

Although we started with six hens, they began to take their toll . 我們起初有六只母雞,但后來開始減少。

Although it was only four o'clock, the winter day was fading . 雖然只是四點鐘,可冬天的陽光已經暗下來。

The turnpike is clean enough although the lanes are muddy . 雖說小道有些泥濘,可大道還是相當干凈的嘛。

Although they lost , the team played with tremendous spirit . 那隊輸是輸了,但卻表現了極其頑強的精神。

Although he is a famous writer , he is still as common as an old shoe . 他雖然是個名作家,卻平易近人。

Although he did not know it at the time , he did not see her again . 盡管他當時不知道,他再沒看到她。