
alternative adj. 1. 隨便一個的,二中擇一的,交替的。2.非傳...

He proposed the “law state“ as the second best alternative for the governance of man . 他提出“法治國”是統治人類的第二等好的選擇。


He proposed the “law state“ as the second best alternative for the governance of man . 他提出“法治國”是統治人類的第二等好的選擇。

But broadly based land taxes are not the only alternative to commodity taxes . 但是,有廣泛根據的土地稅并非是商品稅的唯一代替手段。

An alternative to making such a traumatic decision is to have a floating rate . 取代作出這樣帶損傷性決定的一個辦法是制定浮動匯率。

Alternatives must be prescreened to eliminate those which have lower potential . 為了排除那些沒有多大前途的方案,必須進行預篩選。

Conciliation is meaningful only if one is thought to have an alternative . 只有當一個人被認為有選擇余地時,和解才是有意義的。

An alternative is genuine old pasture kentish indigenous ryegrass . 可供選擇的一種牧草是真正的英國肯特郡的土生的黑麥草。

It offers an alternative to the dwindling supplies of natural gas . 這一過程為正在減少中的天然氣供應提供了另外的來源。

It is easy to find an alternative characterization of upper semicontinuity . 上半連續的一個替補定義是很容易找出的。

These alternatives were clear to the philosophers of ancient greece . 對古希臘的哲學家來說,兩者必居其一是明顯的。

Not to be a fool might not be worth the difficult alternatives . 是不是做傻瓜,看來也不值得煞費苦心去作出選擇。

So far as i have been able to discover, there are only four basic alternatives . 就我所知,只有四種基本選擇。

Facing the practical situation, i considered various alternatives . 面臨眼前的情景,我考慮過各種不同的辦法。

He gave in only at the last moment because he had no alternative . 他只是在最后一刻因為沒有選擇才作了讓步。

Direct taxes offer another alternative to export or output taxes . 直接稅為出口稅和產品稅提供了另一個方案。

Someone must decide a course of action from among alternatives . 人們必須在各種可行方案中決定一項行動方案。

The time information of the telephone service is a possible alternative . 電話報時臺是一種可能的代替方法。

Lessons of experience show that these are not the real alternatives . 經驗教訓表明,這些并不是真正的出路。

Planning for alternative strategies is simply good planning . 具有可供選擇策略的規劃,才是真正好的規劃。