
alternation n.1.交替,更迭,變換;間隔。2.【數學】錯列。3.【...


Alternation frequency map 間互層變化率圖

Position alternation problem 位置交替課題

33 if he wants to make any changes , minor alternations can be made then 如果他有什么意見,我們還可以對計劃稍加修改。

If he wants to make any changes , minor alternations can be made then 如意么什有他果見的話,我們還可以對計劃稍加修改。

5 if he wants to make any changes , minor alternations can be made then 他有什么意見的話,我們還可以對計劃稍加修改。

Alternation of destination fee 變更卸貨港費

This alternation feature is commonly related to emplacement of c shaped rolls 蝕變的特征一般同c形的卷型礦化有關。

5 if he wants to make any changes , minor alternations can be made then 如果他有什么意見的話,我們還可以對稍加修改。

Discussion on the principles of circumstance alternation under civil law visual field 論民法典視野下的情事變更原則

Testing method for bearing cold and hot alternation change of infrared heater 紅外輻射加熱器耐冷熱交變性能試驗方法

Research of man - machine alternation sense mechanism in virtual reality system 虛擬現實系統中人機交互感官機理研究

Natural alternation of population 人口自然變動

Fuzzy control on vehicle nonlinear suspension based on magnetic - current alternation 汽車磁流變非線性懸架模糊控制

The rapid alternation of two tones either a whole or a half tone apart 顫音兩個相距一個音或半個音的音的迅速交替

At last , we proved the ab protocol ( the alternation bit protocol ) in pim 最后,我們使用pim驗證了網絡ab協議。

Pal phase alternation line 逐行倒相彩色電視制式

Spatial feature analysis of alternation of population distribution in shanghai 上海市人口分布變動的空間特征分析

Alternation of multiplicities law 重復性變化定律

Amidst all these alternations of hope and fear , the clock struck ten 在這希望和恐懼的交替中,時鐘敲打十點了。