
alternate adj.1.交替的,輪流的。2.隔一的,間隔的。3.備用...


The logs should be cut from larger pieces and have alternate strips turned end to end so that warping tendency will be resisted . 加工時,應先將大木料裁成板,然后把相鄰兩塊紋理相反地排列膠合起來,這樣可以防止翹曲變形。

Phytosociological description of vegetation has always been found on field sampling alternating with studies of the releves at home . 植被的群落學描述已經常以野外抽樣為基礎來取代室內樣地記錄的研究。

If no contact was made for five successive days one went there on alternate days for two weeks. after that one gave up . 如果連續五天接不上頭,就改為隔天去一次,若在兩星期內仍接不上,只好作罷。

An alternate experimental approach which does not require the direct measurement of contact angle appears to be promising . 有一種可選用的試驗方法看來很有希望,它不要求直接測量接觸角。

Suitable choice of monomers and synthetic routes can yield linear copolymers in which the monomer units alternate . 選擇適當的單體和合成路線,能夠制得單體單元交替排列的線型共聚物。

An automobile is driven along a highway which is characterized by alternating speed zones of 15m/s and30m/s . 一汽車沿高速公路行駛。這公路交替地標出15米秒與30米秒的限速地段。

Fluid stains form alternating high and low spots which reflect the surface energies of fluid and fiber . 流體污垢形成或多或少的交錯散布的斑點,這反映了流體與纖維雙方面的表面能。

At higher latitudes, the winds are much slower and tend to alternate between blowing to the west and to the east . 在更高的緯度上,風速大減,且有風向朝西與朝東交替變化的趨勢。

He compared the yield of solid plantings of corn and soybeans with alternating strips of the two crops . 他把玉米和大豆單一種植的產量和把兩種作物交互條播的產量進行了比較。

A number of alternate pathways for the synthesis of specific amino acids have been identified in plants . 對植物中一些特殊氨基酸來說,已證明還存在著一些其他的合成途徑。

Such passages alternate enchantingly with lists of plants and precise descriptions of new species . 這樣的段落與植物名稱以及對新品種的詳細描寫交替出現,讀后令人神往。

The difference between a direct and an alternating current is that a direct current always flows in one direction . 直流電和交流電的區別在于直流電總是向一個方向流動。

This high frequency alternating current produces the high frequency radio waves mentioned in the previous chapter . 這種高頻交流電流產生前一章提到過的高頻無線電波。

Smith (1962) considered three alternate methods to determine an equivalent diameter of graded sediment . 史密斯(1962)提出了三種不同方法以計算不均勻沙的當量直徑。

During the next nine years he alternated between service in several armies and carousing in paris . 在那以后的九年里,他時而在幾個軍隊中服役,時而在巴黎狂歡作樂。

The alternate system allows signal installations along a given length of road to show contrary indications . 交變系統,使一段給定路段上的信號器,展現相反的指示。

Fluid stains from alternating high and low spot reflect the surface energies of fluid and fiker . 源于高低交替分布點的流體污垢反映了流體與纖維雙方的表面能。

To go back and try an alternate route was equally impossible because traffic behind was backed up . 折回去走另外一條路,同樣行不通,因為后面的車輛越堵越多。

She gets saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one . 她新找的這份工作星期六放假,而原來的那份工作周末是隔周放假。